National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

  Year to Date Snowfall for Grand Junction, Colorado

Year to Date Snowfall for Grand Junction, CO

When discussing the seasonal snowfall, we are referring to the period between July 1st and June 30th. So far this season (as of March 25th, 2018) Grand Junction, Colorado has received 9 inches of snow. The normal snowfall through March 25th is 17.5 inches, meaning we are currently 8.5 inches below normal. The normal seasonal average is 19.1 inches, which means we would need an additional 10.1 inches of snow through June 30th to match that number. So while we more than likely will not get that much, it's not too late to get snow! Our average last snowfall date is April 3, although we've had snow fall as late as May 11th before (which happened back in 1946)!


Just for comparison's sake, the record seasonal snowfall Grand Junction ever received was 65.7 inches which was set during the 1919-1920 season! Records go all the way back to 1893.