Grand Junction, CO
Weather Forecast Office
Veterans Day Climatology for Eastern Utah and Western Colorado
*Please note that all data mentioned is collected from our automated observing stations from 10 different airports across eastern Utah and western Colorado.*
Let's take a look at some data in the Veterans Day Climatology for selected cities across eastern Utah and western Colorado. The warmest temperature recorded on the Holiday was 75F at Cortez in 2005, although the year 1980 was also a particularly warm one for cities along the I-70 corridor. The most snow to fall at any of the sites was 8.0 inches in the Durango Area in 1949, which is also the location of the highest liquid precipitation, with 1.01 inches in 1978. The coldest temperature to occur at any of these sites on Veterans was -8F in Craig in 1911.
For more climate information from other sites, please visit our climate page on our website at You can also follow us on Facebook (@NWSGrandJunction) or Twitter (@nwsgjt).
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