National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Shapefile Type: Polygon

Data source: NOHRSC

Naming convention: baddmmyy  where ddmmyy = day-month-year

Description:  Hydrologic basin boundaries derived from Integrated Hydrologic Automated Basin Boundary System,( IHABBS).


Description Valid date Data Download MD5SUM # Records Documentation
River Basins 12 May 2015 3CC368976FC165ADE9949FE78D2BEE88 6731 Change History


Shapefile Attributes:

Field Name Type width,dec Description
ID character 8 Basin Identifier
NAME character 64 Basin Name
CWA character 12 CWA Identifier (name of WFO)
RFC character 5 RFC Identifier
LON numeric 10,5 Longitude of centroid [decimal degrees]
LAT numeric 9,5 Latitude of centroid [decimal degrees]