National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Shapefile Type: Polygon

Data source: NOHRSC

Naming convention: z_ddmmyy  where ddmmyy = day-month-year

Description: Areas of responsibility for each of the NWS 13 River Forecast Centers (RFCs).


Description Valid date Data Download MD5SUM # Records Documentation
River Forecast Center Boundaries 12 January 2024 f268587c1aecf20c5216413a0d55178b 13 Change History


Shapefile Atttributes:

Field Name type width,dec description
SITE_ID character 3 RFC Station Identifier
STATE character 2 State locus, RFC Station
RFC_NAME character 18 RFC Area Name
RFC_CITY character 25 City locus, RFC Station
BASIN_ID character 5 RFC Area Identifier