National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Shapefile Type: Polygon

Data source: Derived from US States

Naming convention: rwddmmyy  (Regions by WFO) or reddmmyy (Regions by state) where ddmmyy = day-month-year

Description: NWS is divided into six regions, each with its own headquarters.  The shapefiles have the regions by state and by WFO as the boundaries may differ slightly.

Description Date Download Link
NWS Regions by WFO 4 October 2012
NWS Regions by State 15 August 2011


Shapefile Attributes:


Field Name Type Width,dec Description
NAME character 24 Region name
LON numeric 10,5 Longitude of centroid [decimal degrees]
LAT numeric 9,5 Latitude of centroid [decimal degrees]
NWS_REG character 2 Region name abbreviation