National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


Shapefile Type: Polygon

Data source: Derived from Census TIGER 2000

Naming convention: c_ddmmyy  where ddmmyy = day-month-year

Description: Partial Counties of the U.S. Used for NWR and EAS reporting purposes.

Additional Info: This county data set differs from other county datasets in that certain counties although having the same FIPS code comprise of more than one polygon, each polygon having a different name in the countyname field. This was done in order to allow the forecasters at the sites to issue warnings to these separate parts of the counties.  In addition a number of counties along various waterways contain two records with the same FIPS code and name.  This is to allow NWS forecasters to visualize these inlets but at the same time to issue a land based product (opposed to a marine based product) for those entities.


Description Valid date Data Download MD5SUM Documentation
Partial Counties 19 September 2023 909993de0a167d9a85da531bb76531bd
Date last upload: 30-JUN-23
Change History Metadata
18 March 2025 140b586158e6ec00dbfd9011268a8c97
Date last upload: 30-NOV-24

Shapefile Attributes:

Field Name Ttype width,dec Description
STATE character 2 [ss] State abbreviation (standard US Postal)
CWA character 9 [wfowfowfo] County Warning Area (WFO Identifier)
COUNTYNAME character 24 County name
FIPS character 5 [ssccc] FIPS Code
TIME_ZONE character 2 [tt] Time zone assignment
FE_AREA character 2 [aa] Feature Area (location in STATE)
LON numeric 10,5 Longitude of Centroid [decimal degrees]
LAT numeric 9,5 Latitude of Centroid [decimal degrees]
ENTIRESAME character 6 NWR SAME Location Code for entire county or county equivalent
AREA_SAME character 6 NWR SAME Location Code for partial county area
AREA_NAME charcters 50 Directional name for partial county area