National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


NWS Reference Maps

  1. NWM Lakes and Reservoirs (NWM_Lakes_and_Reservoirs)
  2. USGS Stream Gauges (USGS_Stream_Gauges)
  3. ECCDA (nws_eccda)
  4. AWIPS Base Maps (nws_reference_maps)
    NWS County Warning Area
    NWS County Borders
    NWS State Borders
    NWS Coastal Marine Zones
    NWS Offshore Marine Zones
    NWS Public Forecast Zones
    NWS Fire Weather Zones​
    River Forecast Center Boundaries​

NWS Climate Outlooks

  1. 6 to 10 Day Outlook (cpc_6_10_day_outlk)
  2. 8 to 14 Day Outlook (cpc_8_14_day_outlk)
  3. CMORPH Global Precip Analysis (cpc_cmorph_dly_025deg)
  4. Drought Outlook (cpc_drought_outlk)
  5. Global Forecast System (GFS) Precipitation Analysis (cpc_gfs_precip_anom)
  6. Monthly Precipitation Outlook (cpc_mthly_precip_outlk)
  7. Monthly Temperature Outlook (cpc_mthly_temp_outlk)
  8. Seasonal Precipitation Outlook (cpc_sea_precip_outlk)
  9. Seasonal Temperature Outlook (cpc_sea_temp_outlk)
  10. U.S. Hazards Outlook (cpc_weather_hazards)
  11. Weekly Sea Surface Temperature and Surface Temperature Anomalies (cpc_wkly_sst)

NWS Forecast, Guidance, and Warnings

  1. APRFC River Breaup Status (aprfc_RiverBreakupStatus)
  2. National Forecast Chart (natl_fcst_wx_chart)
  3. NDFD Temperature Forecasts (NDFD_temp)
  4. NDGD Air Quality Average PM2.5 Concentration - Hourly, bias corrected (ndgd_apm25_hr01_bc)
  5. NDGD Air Quality Average PM2.5 Concentration - Hourly (ndgd_apm25_hr01)
  6. NDGD Air Quality Average PM2.5 Concentration - Daily, bias corrected (ndgd_apm25_hr24_bc)
  7. NDGD Air Quality Average PM2.5 Concentration - Daily (ndgd_apm25_hr24)
  8. NDGD Air Quality Surface Dust Concentration Forecast (ndgd_dust_sfc_time)
  9. NDGD Air Quality Vertical Dust Integration Forecast (ndgd_dust_vert_time)
  10. NDGD Air Quality One Hour Average Ozone Concentration Forecast (ndgd_ozone_1hr_avg_time)
  11. NDGD Air Quality One Hour Average Ozone Concentration Forecast bias corrected (ndgd_ozone_1hr_avg_time_bc)
  12. NDGD Air Quality One Hour Maximum Ozone Concentration Forecast (ndgd_ozone_1hr_max_time)
  13. NDGD Air Quality One Hour Maximum Ozone Concentration Forecast bias corrected (ndgd_ozone_1hr_max_time_bc)
  14. NDGD Air Quality Eight Hour Average Ozone Concentration Forecast (ndgd_ozone_8hr_avg_time)
  15. NDGD Air Quality Eight Hour Average Ozone Concentration Forecast bias corrected (ndgd_ozone_8hr_avg_time_bc)
  16. NDGD Air Quality Eight Hour Maximum Ozone Concentration Forecast (ndgd_ozone_8hr_max_time)
  17. NDGD Air Quality Eight Hour Maximum Ozone Concentration Forecast bias corrected (ndgd_ozone_8hr_max_time_bc)
  18. NDGD Air Quailty Surface Smoke Concentration Forecast (ndgd_smoke_sfc_1hr_avg_time)
  19. NDGD Air Quality Vertical Smoke Integration Forecast (ndgd_smoke_vert_1hr_avg_time)
  20. NDGD Air Quality Maximum PM2.5 Concentration - Hourly bias corrected (ndgd_mpm25_hr01_bc)
  21. NDGD Air Quality Maximum PM2.5 Concentration - Hourly (ndgd_mpm25_hr01)
  22. Active Atlantic and Caribbean Hurricanes (NHC_Atl_trop_cyclones_active)
  23. Atlantic and Caribbean Hurricanes (NHC_Atl_trop_cyclones)
  24. Active Eastern Pacific Hurricanes (NHC_E_Pac_trop_cyclones_active)
  25. Eastern Pacific Hurricanes (NHC_E_Pac_trop_cyclones
  26. River Forecast Centers Daily Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (rfc_dly_qpe)
    Observed QPE
    Normal QPE
    Departure from Normal
    Percent of Normal
  27. River Forecast Centers Flash Flood Guidance (rfc_gridded_ffg)
  28. River Forecast Centers Hourly Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (rfc_hourly_qpe)
  29. Significant River Flood Outlook (sig_riv_fld_outlk)
  30. Storm Prediction Center Fire Weather Outlooks (SPC_firewx)
  31. Storm Prediction Center Outlooks (SPC_wx_outlks)
  32. Short Fuse and Long Fuse Watches, Warnings and Advisories (watch_warn_adv)
  33. Weather Prediction Center Precipitation Hazards (wpc_precip_hazards)
  34. Probability of Winter Precipitation from the Weather Prediction Center (wpc_prob_winter_precip)
  35. Quantitative Precipitation Forecasts from the Weather Prediction Center (wpc_qpf)
  36. Local Storm Reports (nws_local_storm_reports) (Experimental)
  37. NWS Fire Weather Spot (nws_fire_weather_spot) (Experimental)
  38. Long Range Flood Outlook (long_range_flood_outlook) (Experimental)
  39. WPC Winter Storm Severity Index (wpc_wssi) (Experimental)
  40. WPC Winter Storm Outlook (wpc_winter_storm_outlook) (Experimental)
  41. NWM Land Analysis (NWM_Land_Analysis) (Experimental)

NWS Observations Outlooks

  1. AHPS River Gauge Current and Forecast Flood Stages (ahps_riv_gauges)
  2. NOHRSC Snow Analysis (NOHRSC_Snow_Analysis)
  3. Radar Base Reflectivity (radar_base_reflectivity or radar_base_reflectitvity_time)

NWS National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD)

  1. NDFD Metadata