National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


(as of Oct. 26, "county eligibility" for Freeze Warnings stand as follows...see graphical version here):

- NWS Hastings WILL CONTINUE FREEZE WARNINGS this fall for 25 counties across the majority of our coverage area (except for the 5 counties listed below). While parts of this area observed a marginal/"barely" freeze of 29-32º on Oct. 7th, a widespread hard/killing freeze of 28º-or-colder did not typically occur. 

-  NWS Hastings intends to *LARGELY DISCONTINUED FROST ADVISORIES this fall for ALL 30 COUNTIES in our coverage area, given that nearly all places already observed frost (if not at least slightly-freezing temperatures) back on Oct. 7th. *HOWEVER, in order to better collaborate with neighboring NWS offices who might still issue Frost Advisories this fall, we might need to make an exception and issue another Frost Advisory for some counties. 
-  NWS Hastings has OUTRIGHT-DISCONTINUED BOTH FREEZE WARNINGS + FROST ADVISORIES this fall for 5 counties in our far northern/western Nebraska coverage area (Valley/Greeley/Dawson/Gosper/Furnas), given that these counties observed a widespread freeze/hard freeze of generally 26-30º back on Oct. 7th

According to longer-term averages, most of the NWS Hastings coverage area of central/south central Nebraska and north central Kansas is ALL BUT BEYOND THE 2-3 WEEK TIME FRAME THAT TYPICALLY FEATURES THE AVERAGE DATE OF THE FIRST HARD/KILLING FALL FREEZE (28º or colder). 

Of course, as outlined extensively in the data presented below, the first fall frost/freeze dates can vary tremendously from one year to the next, and just within the past 30 years, "first freezes" (32°) have ranged anywhere from mid-September to early-November. Last fall (2022) actually featured fairly "normal" dates for the first freeze/hard freeze (see 2022 recap section below for more details). 

Please refer to the wealth of information within the tabs below (including tables and maps of average first frost/freeze/hard freeze dates) to stay on top of the frost/freeze situation across our local area this fall. This includes the "Looking Ahead" section just below, as it will highlight any nights within the next 7-10 days that appear to hold frost/freeze potential (if any). Finally, check out the last tab for a glance back at the RECORD-EARLIEST frost/freeze that parts of our area experienced 49 years ago on Sep. 3, 1974!

Looking Ahead:  ** Killing Freeze CERTAIN Between Oct. 28 (Sat AM) and Oct. 30  (Mon AM) **
(info here updated Oct. 27 and may not reflect the very latest forecast information...HOWEVER our official 7-day forecast is always current and available at: click anywhere on the map for your location of interest. 

  • Oct. 28 (Fri night-Sat AM):
    Although much of our coverage area already experienced a somewhat-unexpected hard freeze Friday morning, our ENTIRE COVERAGE AREA WILL LIKELY EXPERIENCE A HARD/KILLING FREEZE  Fri night-Sat AM, with low temperatures in most places expected to bottom out between 23-28º. As a result, a Freeze Warning has been issues for all 25 counties in our coverage area still deemed "eligible" for them. PLEASE NOTE: this will almost certainly be the FINAL FREEZE WARNING of the season for the NWS Hastings coverage area, with even colder temperatures expected the following few nights along with wintry precipitation for many places.

Recapping Last Fall's (2022) First Frost/Freeze in the NWS Hastings coverage area: 

  • A Fairly "Normal" First Fall Freeze/Hard Freeze:  Following a fairly unusual Fall 2021 that featured one of the latest hard freezes on record, the Fall 2022 season was actually rather "normal"/typical, with the vast majority of local sites recording their first occurrences of 36°/32°/28° within 10 days either side of their 30-year average date. For much of our north/northeast coverage area, the first freeze of Fall 2022 occurred on Oct. 8th, but for most places this was actually not a true hard/killing freeze. However, just 9-10 days later (Oct. 17-18), nearly the entire remainder of the area registered the season's first freeze, which was actually also a hard freeze (28° or colder) too for most spots. 


 For more Frost/Freeze related information including an interactive tool, check out the following source:

  • MRCC Freeze Date Tool (new!)...note: this site uses a 1950-2021 dataset, so average dates vary slightly from what is presented in this story
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