Hastings, NE
Weather Forecast Office
Monthly/Yearly Climate Summary Data
Also Available: Monthly F6 Climate Data
Yearly/Monthly Cooperative Observer Use drop-down menu above to choose state and year |
Monthly Climate/Weather Review Archive Use drop-down menu above to choose month and year |
- LEFT drop-down menu: Monthly and annual precipitation totals for over 50 sites in South Central Nebraska, and 20 locations in North Central Kansas since 2010.
- RIGHT drop-down menu: Archived monthly climate and weather reviews since 2014, packed with weather and climate information for each month
Hazardous Weather
Experimental Graphical Hazardous Weather Outlook
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Storm Prediction Center
Local Storm Reports
Area Forecast Discussion
Fire Weather
Aviation Weather Center
Winter Weather
Activity Planner
Winter Storm Severity Index
Experimental Winter Storm Outlook
Current Conditions
Current Area Observations
Text Products
Rivers and Lakes
Local 24 Hour Precip Maps
Local Archived Precip Maps
NWPS Precipitation Analysis
Local Snowfall Maps
Snowfall Analysis
Snow Cover
Local Database (NOWData)
Local Climate Webpage
Hastings/G. Island Records
Local Historical Tornado Info
U.S. Drought Monitor
Grand Island - Daily
Grand Island - Monthly
Hastings - Daily
Hastings - Monthly
Kearney - Daily
Kearney - Monthly
Ord - Daily
Ord - Monthly
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Hastings, NE
6365 North Osborne Drive West
Hastings, NE 68901-9163
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.