National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Winter Hazards Across the North; Heavy Rainfall Across the Gulf Coast; Severe Weather Outlook

Moisture across the northern Plains, upper Great Lakes into northern New England will likely bring a period of snow, sleet and freezing rain through this weekend. Meanwhile, heavy rainfall continues along the Gulf Coast with areas of flooding. Fire weather conditions continue for the areas of the Plains, southern Appalachians into portions of Florida. Severe thunderstorm potential increasing. Read More >

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NOTE! This publication series has been discontinued. If you would like a copy of any of the WSR-88D Notes listed below, please contact Jeff Waldstreicher or Eric Allen at ER SSD


Year Number Title Author Field Office
1998 12 Contamination of WSR-88D VAD Wind Due to Bird Migration: A Case Study Thomas A. Niziol BUF
1998 11 Analysis of Coastal front Tornadoes Associated with Tropical Storm Josephine over Eastern North Carolina on 8 October 1996 James E. Hudgins and Robert J. Frederick MHX
1997 10 Hurricane Bertha: Radar-Gauge Comparisons and Changing the Z-R Relationship Cory Gates MHX
1997 9 An Investigation of a Typical Lake-Effect Snow Band Off Lake Ontario Using NGM Gridded Data and doppler Radar Returns John M. Elardo MHX
1997 8 Analysis of a Splitting Severe Thunderstorm Using the WSR-88D Greg Carbin ILM
1996 7 The Presence of 65 dBZ or Higher Reflectivity in Conjunction with VIL as an Indicator of Severe Weather Alan Gerard CLE
1996 6 Tornadogensis and Widespread Wind Damage from a Low-Topped Squall Line Michael L. Moneypenny RAH
1995 5 Performance of the NWSFO Albany WSR-88D Precipitation Algorithms During the 14 June 1994 Flood Even in Ulster and Dutchess Counties, New York John W. Cannon ALY
1995 4 Examining the Development of Lake Erie Waterspouts using the NWSFO Cleveland WSR-88D Alan Gerard CLE
1994 3 Use of WSR-88D Products During a Late Spring Snowfall Over Vermont and Northeastern New York Jane A. Hollingsworth BTV
1993 2 A WSR-88D View of Severe Weather in New York State Scott L. Whittier BTV
1993 1 Early Returns from the WSFO Cleveland WSR-88D Anton F. Kapela and William Comeaux CLE