National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

All time heavy rainfall events for Santa Teresa, New Mexico

1.   2.95 inches    Jul 10, 2015
2.   2.80 inches    Jul 11, 2010
3.   2.70 inches    Jul 26-27, 2008
4.   2.61 inches    Sep 3-4, 2006
5.   2.42 inches    Jul 31-Aug 1, 2006
6.   2.05 inches    Jun 28-29, 2010

7.   1.90 inches    Sep 10, 2013
8.   1.76 inches    Sep 12, 2013
9.   1.74 inches    Jun 30, 2009
10. 1.68 inches    Jun 27-28, 2021
11. 1.58 inches    Sep 7-8, 2008

12. 1.49 inches    Sep 18, 2014
13. 1.45 inches    Aug 14, 2008
14. 1.23 inches    Oct 23-24, 2018
15. 1.35 inches    Oct 15 2005

All time greatest monthly rainfall for Santa Teresa, New Mexico

1.    6.82 inches    Jul 2008
2.    5.41 inches    Jul 2015

3  .  5.37 inches    Sep 2014
4.    5.09 inches    Aug 2006
5.    4.84 inches    Sep 2013
6.    4.05 inches    Sep 2006
7.    4.00 inches    Jul 2017
8.    3.88 inches    Aug 2008

9.    3.77 inches    Jul 2013
10.  3.59 inches    Jul 2002


All time lowest monthly rainfall for Santa Teresa, New Mexico

0 inches;  set on many occasions including:

Feb 1999
Apr 1999

May 1999
May 2000
Apr 2001
Jan 2003
Mar 2006
Apr 2008
Mar 2011
May 2011
Jan 2014
Apr 2020

Unofficial extreme rainfall rate of rainfall for Santa Teresa, New Mexico
***Santa Teresa does not keep official rainfall rate records, but these are the two
   unofficially heaviest hourly rainfall rain events for events lasting at least one hour.***

1.  .73 inches per hour;  total 1.45 inches in 2 hours.
2.  .70 inches per hour;  total 1.74 inches in 2.5 hours.


All time heavy snowfall events for Santa Teresa, New Mexico

1. 10.4 inches    Dec 26-27, 2015
2. 4.4 inches      Feb 14, 2021
3. 4.0 inches      Dec 24, 1999
4. 3.0 inches      Dec 23-24, 2002
5. 2.9 inches      Dec 25, 1997


All time monthly snowfall for Santa Teresa, New Mexico

1.  10.4 inches   Dec 2015
2.  4.4 inches     Feb 2021
3.  4.0 inches     Dec 1999
4.  3.6 inches     Jan 2013
5.  3.4 inches     Dec 2009
6.  3.0 inches     Dec 1997
6.  3.0 inches     Dec 2002