National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce




From 1997 through 2024, the high temperature has reached 100 degrees F or higher 634 times.

On average, Santa Teresa experiences 22 days of triple digits per year.

The record for most triple digit days in a year is 46 days in 2023.

Since 1997, no year has gone without at least 8 triple digit days.

The hottest ever recorded in Santa Teresa was 108 degrees on several occasions, most recently on July 13, 2020.

The most triple digit days in one month was 23 days in July 2023.

The most consecutive triple digit days was 15 days, from June 24 - July 8, 2005 and July 3 - 17, 2023.

Calendar day most likely to reach triple digits: June 19th (64.3% of years).

The earliest occurrence of 100 degrees was on May 15, 2000.

The latest occurrence of 100 degrees was on Sep 14, 1998.

The latest start time of 100 degrees was July 8, 2009.

The average starting date for triple digits is June 6.

The average ending date for triple digits is August 13.

The most days between the first and last triple digit days was 115 in 2000.

The average # of days between the first and last triple digit days is 69.


Number of Triple Digit Days by Month In Santa Teresa

Monthly Distribution of Triple Digits

  May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Monthly total 19 272 213 119 11
Average per year 0.68 9.71 7.61 4.25 0.39
Monthly record 5 19 23 17 5
% of total (634) 3.0 42.9 33.6 18.8 1.7
% of years hit 32.1 96.4 89.3 71.4 17.8


Hottest Temperature by Month

  May Jun Jul Aug Sep
Monthly record 106 108 108 107 102
Year 2005 2017 2020 2023 2023


Frequency of Exact Triple Digit Highs

Temp 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Total # 195 159 87 79 42 35 17 18 2
% of total 30.76 25.08 13.72 12.46 6.62 5.52 2.68 2.84 0.32


The Probability Density Function of the Triple Digits Can Be Represented by an

Exponential Decay Function of the Form:

P(T) = A*e(B/T)

Where T = Temperature in Deg F; A = 2.433*10(-18); e=2.71; B=44.01.735


**Last updated 12/2/24