El Paso, TX
Weather Forecast Office
El Paso Wind Rose Data |
Wind roses can be used to graphically depict the predominant transport direction of an area's winds. Air quality is often correlated with the dominant transport direction of the wind. Wind roses provide the best information regarding the percentage of time the direction(s) and speed(s) associated with a certain air quality can be expected over a long period of time. The following data was collected from 1970-2024 at the El Paso International Airport. |
Annual |
January![]() |
February![]() |
March![]() |
April![]() |
May![]() |
June![]() |
July![]() |
August![]() |
September![]() |
October![]() |
November![]() |
December![]() |
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US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
El Paso, TX
7955 Airport Rd
Santa Teresa, NM 88008
(575) 589-4088
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