National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Why are NWS Sacramento and NWS Eureka Proposing to Change Public and Fire Weather Zones?


At the request of the Lake County Sheriff's office, Weather Forecast Office (WFO) Sacramento will transfer responsibility of the forecast service area for Lake County to WFO Eureka.  This change will also necessitate reconfiguring nearby public and fire weather zones.  Additionally, other fire weather zones are being adjusted along the WFO Eureka and WFO Sacramento border to reduce overlap in services and correct for typos in zone names.

If you would like to read more information about this change see the Service Change Notice.


Proposed Zones


Fire Weather Zones Public Zones


Current Zones


Fire Weather Zones Public Zones


WFO EKA Public Forecast Zones

New Zone Code New Zone Name
CAZ114 Northern Lake County
CAZ115 Southern Lake County


WFO EKA Fire Weather Forecast Zones

Reconfigured Zone Code Reconfigured Zone Name
CAZ211 Hoopa
CAZ264 Lake County Portion of Lake-Napa-Sonoma Unit
CAZ277 W Mendocino NF/E Mendocino Unit
CAZ283 Trinity


WFO STO Public Forecast Zones

Reconfigured Zone Code Reconfigured Zone Name
CAZ063 Mountains Southwestern Shasta County to Western Colusa County


WFO STO Fire Weather Forecast Zones

Reconfigured Zone Code Reconfigured Zone Name
CAZ263 Southeast Edge Shasta/Trinity NF And Western Portions of Tehama/Glenn RU
CAZ279 Eastern Mendocino NF