National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce





Severe Weather Awareness Week
March 16th - March 22nd



Severe Weather Awareness Week Information
Statewide Preparedness
  • Severe weather can strike at any time. It is important that everyone be prepared to act when alerts are issued. The Voluntary Statewide Tornado Drill is an excellent opportunity for Michigan families, schools, and businesses to practice their emergency plans and enhance their readiness for a severe weather event. More information on the Voluntary Statewide Tornado Drill can be found below.
  • Encourage your community to test their plan, know the alerts in their area, and be prepared!
  • More information from Michigan State Police Emergency Management and Homeland Security
  • MIREADY Severe Weather Awareness Week Toolkit
Governor's Proclamation
  • Officially stating March 16th through 22nd as Severe Weather Awareness Week in Michigan
  • Videos
  • Brochures
  • Articles
  • Presentation
  • Social Media Plans
  • Weather Safety Web Sites
NWS Specific Severe Weather Safety Tips

Tornadoes   Thunderstorms   Floods   Lightning

     Tornadoes   Severe Thunderstorms       Floods                Lightning

Voluntary Statewide Tornado Drill
  • The statewide tornado drill will be conducted March 19th at 1PM.
  • National Weather Service
    • The weekly National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration All Hazards Weather Radio (NWR) test (RWT) during Severe Weather Awareness Week will coincide with the Statewide Tornado Drill. A script is read by the NWS during this test, encouraging everyone to practice their severe weather plans. The NWS may cancel the 1 p.m. RWT on the Statewide Tornado Drill day in the event severe weather is expected. NWS does not issue a test tornado warning as part of the statewide tornado drill in Michigan. Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEAs), or text alerting systems that automatically trigger from an NWS Tornado Warning, will not be triggered.
  • The Michigan State Police, Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division
    • The MSP/EMHSD is responsible for issuing the Required Monthly Test (RMT) in coordination with the Michigan Association of Broadcasters (MAB) via the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) to trigger the alert to be sent out via the Emergency Alert System (EAS) over television and radio. This is a regular, live monthly test that must be issued in accordance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules.
  • Local Emergency Management
    • Triggering the community emergency sirens or alerts during the Statewide Tornado Drill is a local public safety decision made by the local emergency manager (EM). Participation is encouraged, but not required. Media Tool Kits are provided to those who wish to promote the drill. In the event of potential severe weather, it is up to the EM to discontinue their involvement in the drill and alert the public. Other partners (MAB, MSP/EMHSD, NWS) may still continue to test their systems if severe weather is not a threat to their area.