National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce




Summer Weather Safety



Heat, Beach Hazards, Severe Thunderstorms,

Tornadoes, and Flooding


  Summer Weather Safety Awareness Information

Beach Hazards

  • VideosUnderstanding Severe Weather Hazards:TORNADO - tornadoes are violently rotating columns of air that can destroy buildings and cause significant injury or death. ACTION: Take shelter immediately in a sturdy structure.LARGE HAIL - hail can damage vehicles, crops, buildings, and cause injuries. ACTION: Move indoors away from windows.STRONG WIND - strong wind can knock over trees and damage buildings. ACTION: Move indoors away from windows.HEAVY RAIN - Heavy rain can cause flash flooding. ACTION: Avoid rising creeks and water-covered roads.LIGHTNING - Lightning strikes can cause significant injury or death. ACTION: Move indoors if you hear thunder.
  • Brochures
  • Articles
  • Presentation
  • Social Media Plans
  • Weather Safety Web Sites
NWS Specific Severe Weather Safety Tips

Tornadoes   Thunderstorms   Floods   Lightning

     Tornadoes   Severe Thunderstorms       Floods                Lightning

  • VideosSummer Safety
  • Brochures
  • Articles
  • Presentation
  • Social Media Plans
  • Weather Safety Web Sites
Weather Ready Nation
  • Know Your Risk
  • Take Action                   Image result for Weather Ready Nation
  • Be an Example
  • Become a WRN Ambassador

Accessible Resources