National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce



February 2023 featured temperatures that averaged a little above or below normal around the Northland. There were some warmer periods in the early-mid part of the month with a few daily high temperature records set. The warm weather was sandwiched between some colder weather at the very beginning and end of the month, which is why many places ended up only within a couple degrees of average as a whole. Precipitation patterns were variable across the region. The storm track favored northwest Wisconsin and into far east-central Minnesota most of the time, so the highest (above average) precipitation was found there. A mid-February rain event contributed to these totals along with some snowfall episodes. At Duluth and International Falls, snowfall was below average. With the excess precipitation, drought has been eradicated for all except a sliver of northern Minnesota.


Looking ahead, the CPC is forecasting a greater likelihood for cold weather with equal chances for above or below normal precipitation through March. Equal chances for above or below normal temperatures and precipitation are in the forecast for almost all of the Northland in the 3-month spring outlook.



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