National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


December 2021 featured above normal temperatures, precipitation, and snowfall at nearly all climate sites.  The only exception was below normal precipitation at Ashland. This comes as no surprise as December  was a pretty active month with several storms passing through the region. Perhaps the most notable is the  historic December 15/16 storm that brought nearly every type of weather to the region, including high  winds, thunderstorms, record highs, and some snowfall. There were some high rainfall amounts from this  system and not a lot of snow. Towards the end of the month, however, snowstorms caused monthly  snowfall to creep above normal at both Duluth and International Falls. All of this has led to some drought  improvements, with Extreme drought removed from the Arrowhead and most areas now experiencing  abnormally dry to moderate drought conditions. Pockets of severe drought still persist across Koochiching  County, the Arrowhead, and the Bayfield Peninsula.

Looking ahead, the CPC predicted below normal temperatures for January (as we have seen thus far) and  equal chances for above or below normal temperatures through March. Generally equal chances or above  normal precipitation predicted through March. If we do continue to see an active weather pattern, drought  conditions should continue to improve overall.

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