A weather pattern developed in the middle of December 2013 that allowed for waves of arctic air to funnel into the Northland. As of the end of January, this stubborn northerly flow has not let up.
However, even though the cold has been persistent and averages well below normal, only a few daily temperature records have been reached at International Falls, MN. The Duluth, MN Airport has not set any new daily temperature records so far this winter.
Top 10 Coldest January
(average monthly temperature)
International Falls, MN
Rank Value Year
1 -10.5 1982
2 -10.4 1966
3 -8.7 1979
4 -8.0 1950
5 -7.8 1994
6 -7.1 1971
7 -6.5 1924
8 -5.9 1909
9 -5.8 1977
10 -5.7 1972
17th January 2014: -3.7 F

Photo by Brad Nelson
Duluth, MN
Rank Value Year
1 -7.2 1912
2 -3.2 1982
3 -2.7 1875
4 -2.6 1929
5 -2.1 1994
6 -1.9 1885
7 -1.2 1966
8 -0.1 1977
9 0.2 1972
10 0.5 1979,1971
18th January 2014: 1.6 F
Average Temperatures So Far This Winter
International Falls, MN
December 2014: -4.1 F (30 year Normal: 9.7 F)
January 2014: -3.7 F (30 year Normal: 4.4 F; Record Coldest Jan: -10.5 F in 1981)
February: (30 year Normal: 10.3 F)
Winter: (30 year Normal: 8.1 F)
Duluth, MN
December 2014: 4.6 F (30 year Normal: 14.8 F)
January 2014: 1.6 F (30 year Normal: 10.2 F; Record Coldest Jan: -7.2 F in 1912)
February: (30 year Normal: 15.1 F)
Winter: (30 year Normal: 13.3 F)
Daily Temperature Records Set this Winter
International Falls, MN |
Duluth, MN |
December 15th: -32 F (low temp)
December 23rd: -24 F (low temp)
January 1st: -39 F (low temp)
January 2nd: -43 F (low temp)
January 5th: -18 F (cold, High temp)
on January 2nd, the International Falls, MN Airport ended a 5 day streak of recording a daily low temperature of -33 F or colder. This is the longest streak of seeing a daily temperature this low since records began at International Falls.
on January 9th, the Duluth MN Airport ended a 36 day streak of recording a daily low temperature in the single digits or colder. This is the 6th longest streak of seeing a daily temperature of less than 10 F in recorded record at Duluth.
Find climatological normals for other locations and time periods here |
Below are links to January
Temp/Snowfall Summaries
Below are links to summaries of low temperatures/wind chills observed in January
Note: the daily Max and Min Temperature are a 24 hour reading that resets each day at midnight.
Note: These values are not necessarily the lowest values for the date. |
The period of record for the official temperature record at Duluth, MN began in 1874. The current observation site is located at the Duluth Airport (5 miles inland from Lake Superior and 600 ft higher than the Duluth Harbor). However, the site of the weather observation has been moved throughout the years and the climate data has been "threaded together. More information on Threaded Climate Data Here
The period of record for the official temperature record at International Falls, MN began in 1897. The current observation site is located at the International Falls, Airport. However, the site of the weather observation has been moved throughout the years and the climate data has been "threaded together. More information on Threaded Climate Data Here