There is a moderate risk of rip currents today. Dangerous swimming conditions are l possible, especially near piers and jetties. Otherwise, mostly cloudy and cold conditions can be expected, with chances of light rain or drizzle.
Cold and rainy conditions through Sunday morning will lead to drier conditions by the upcoming work week. Temperatures also will climb to near-normal to slightly-above normal temperatures by mid-week.
Note: "N/A" or "MISG" will be displayed if values are not available. In the LOCATION column, click on links for a list of recent observations at sites of interest. In the WIND column, VRB is "variable" and G is "gust". Wind speeds are in MPH. In the BARO (pressure) column, values are in inches. In the REMARKS column, HX is "heat index", WCI is "wind chill index", and VSB is "visibility" (if shown).