Thunderstorms will continue to bring heavy to excessive rain and possible flooding over the middle and lower Texas Gulf Coast into tonight. Strong to severe thunderstorms are expected over south Texas and the lower Missouri/mid-Mississippi Valleys today. A storm will continue to bring gusty winds, hazardous seas, low elevation rain, and mountain snow to the Pacific Northwest through Friday. Read More >
A strong arctic cold front moved through South Texas during the night of January 5th, 2017. Arctic high pressure then built southward into South Texas through the 6th (Friday) into the morning of the 8th (Sunday). As a result, temperatures continued to drop during the day on the 6th into the 30s for most of South Texas. As skies cleared the night of the 6th, temperatures were able to drop into the 20s across all of South Texas through the morning hours on the 7th. Morning low temperatures on the 7th of 26 °F were recorded at the Corpus Christi International Airport, 21 °F at the Victoria Regional Airport, and 27 °F at the Laredo International Airport. These were the coldest temperatures seen in 5-7 years across South Texas. On the following morning of the 8th, Corpus Christi International Airport recorded a low temperature of 26 °F, Victoria Regional Airport recorded a low temperature of 20 °F, and Laredo International Airport recorded a low temperature of 25 °F. Victoria missed tying a record low temperature by just 1 degree on both nights while Corpus Christi missed tying a record low temperature on the 7th by 1 degree.
In addition to the very cold temperatures, strong north winds between 25 and 35 mph with gusts to 40 mph produced low wind chill values across South Texas on the 6th and 7th. This prompted the issuance of long duration wind chill advisories for most of South Texas. Some counties were under a wind chill advisory for 31 straight hours! A wind chill warning was also issued for some counties from the evening of the 6th through the morning of the 7th. Wind chill values were generally in the teens and 20s during this period.
...Low Temperature Reports... Location Temp Time/Date Provider ...Texas... ...Aransas County... Tx Port Aransas 32 NNE 25 F 0835 AM 01/07 GOES Aransas County Airport 25 F 0753 AM 01/07 ASOS ...Bee County... Beeville 22 F 0815 AM 01/07 AWS ...Calhoun County... Port Lavaca 22 F 0755 AM 01/07 AWOS ...Duval County... Freer 23 F 0645 AM 01/07 COOP ...Jim Wells County... Alice 23 F 0744 AM 01/07 AWS Naval Auxilary Landing Field 24 F 0656 AM 01/07 ASOS Alice International Arpt 25 F 0653 AM 01/07 ASOS Nueces R - Lake Corpus Chris 26 F 0700 AM 01/07 COOP Los Olmos Creek Near Falfurr 26 F 0526 AM 01/07 COOP ...Kleberg County... Kingsville 27 F 0830 AM 01/07 COOP Kingsville Nas 28 F 0756 AM 01/07 ASOS ...La Salle County... Cotulla-lasalle County Airpo 25 F 0753 AM 01/07 ASOS ...Live Oak County... Choke Canyon Dam 24 F 0730 AM 01/07 COOP ...McMullen County... San Miquel River 22 F 0700 AM 01/07 COOP Frio River 24 F 0800 AM 01/07 COOP ...Nueces County... Corpus Christi Nws 25 F 0555 AM 01/07 COOP Chapman Ranch 25 F 0650 AM 01/07 COOP Corpus Christi 26 F 0751 AM 01/07 ASOS Corpus Christi Nas 27 F 0656 AM 01/07 ASOS Robstown 27 F 0755 AM 01/07 AWOS ...Refugio County... Austwell 22 F 0700 AM 01/07 COOP ...Victoria County... Coleta Creek Dam 21 F 0730 AM 01/07 GOES Nursery 21 F 0805 AM 01/07 MESOWEST Victoria 21 F 1000 AM 01/07 COOP Regional Airport 21 F 0651 AM 01/07 ASOS ...Webb County... Laredo 32 F 1200 AM 01/07 COOP ...Maritime Stations... 18 E Loyola Beach 27 F 0800 AM 01/07 NOS-NWLON Mustang Island 85a 34 F 0955 AM 01/07 AWOS 56 SE Seadrift 34 F 0855 AM 01/07 AWOS
...Low Temperature Reports... Location Temp Time/Date Provider ...Texas... ...Aransas County... 6 SSE Austwell 10 F 0330 AM 01/08 GOES 6 SSE Austwell 11 F 0259 AM 01/08 RAWS Aransas County Airport 26 F 1153 PM 01/08 ASOS 1 SSE Aransas Pass 28 F 0743 AM 01/08 CWOP ...Bee County... Beeville 16 F 0720 AM 01/08 AWS 3 SW Beeville 21 F 1155 AM 01/08 AWOS 5 NE Beeville 23 F 0800 AM 01/08 COOP ...Calhoun County... 1 SSE Kamay 22 F 0632 AM 01/08 CWOP Port Lavaca 24 F 0655 AM 01/08 AWOS 2 NW Seadrift 26 F 0336 AM 01/08 NOS-NWLON 4 ENE Seadrift 28 F 0338 AM 01/08 CWOP 14 ENE Fulton 30 F 0612 AM 01/08 RAWS ...Goliad County... 3 NNW Schroeder 16 F 0748 AM 01/08 CWOP 2 NW Goliad 20 F 0715 AM 01/08 AWS 2 ENE Fannin 26 F 0654 AM 01/08 AWS ...Jim Wells County... Alice International Arpt 21 F 1153 PM 01/08 ASOS Naval Auxilary Landing Field 21 F 1156 PM 01/08 ASOS Alice 25 F 0544 AM 01/08 AWS Nueces R - Lake Corpus Chris 26 F 0700 AM 01/08 COOP ...Kleberg County... Kingsville Nas 20 F 1156 PM 01/08 ASOS 2 NNW Ricardo 24 F 0320 AM 01/08 MESOWEST ...La Salle County... 4 N Artesia Wells 23 F 0420 AM 01/08 MESOWEST Cotulla-lasalle County Airpo 24 F 1153 AM 01/08 ASOS ...Live Oak County... 2 N George West 17 F 0706 AM 01/08 RAWS 2 ESE Whitsett 18 F 0805 AM 01/08 MESOWEST 3 ESE Dinero 21 F 0705 AM 01/08 MESOWEST Choke Canyon Dam 22 F 0730 AM 01/08 COOP 2 NNE Lake Corpus Christi 26 F 0550 AM 01/08 CWOP ...McMullen County... 5 WNW Choke Canyon 21 F 0630 AM 01/08 AWS Frio River 26 F 0800 AM 01/08 COOP ...Nueces County... 4 ENE Robstown 22 F 0238 AM 01/08 CWOP Corpus Christi 26 F 0651 AM 01/08 ASOS Robstown 26 F 0355 AM 01/08 AWOS 2 NNE Driscoll 26 F 0600 AM 01/08 MESOWEST 5 W Corpus Christi 30 F 0155 AM 01/08 CWOP ...Refugio County... 1 WSW Woodsboro 21 F 0725 AM 01/08 MESOWEST ...San Patricio County... 5 NE Sinton 20 F 0710 AM 01/08 MESOWEST 1 N Ingleside 22 F 0653 AM 01/08 CWOP 4 NNW Ingleside 23 F 0635 AM 01/08 AWOS ...Victoria County... Regional Airport 20 F 1151 AM 01/08 ASOS 2 NNE Mcfaddin 21 F 0810 AM 01/08 MESOWEST 4 ENE Victoria 21 F 0604 AM 01/08 RAWS 3 S Telferner 22 F 0729 AM 01/08 CWOP 3 NW Victoria 23 F 0808 AM 01/08 CWOP 1 E Victoria 24 F 0705 AM 01/08 CWOP 3 NW Victoria 24 F 0734 AM 01/08 AWS 3 NE Placedo 25 F 0505 AM 01/08 MESOWEST ...Webb County... 4 SSW Encinal 17 F 0715 AM 01/08 MESOWEST 1 NE Laredo 25 F 0656 AM 01/08 AWOS 13 ESE Las Tiendas 25 F 0700 AM 01/08 MESOWEST 1 SE Laredo 27 F 0730 AM 01/08 AWS 1 NNW Laredo 29 F 0754 AM 01/08 AWS Laredo 31 F 1200 AM 01/08 COOP ...Maritime Stations... 7 SE Flour Bluff 39 F 0136 AM 01/08 NOS-NWLON
...Wind Chill Reports... Location Temp Time/Date Provider ...Texas... ...Aransas County... Aransas County Airport 10 F 0653 AM 01/07 ASOS 1 SSE Aransas Pass 11 F 0723 AM 01/07 CWOP 6 SSE Austwell 12 F 0659 AM 01/07 RAWS Tx Port Aransas 32 NNE 25 F 0835 AM 01/07 GOES 3 NE Aransas Pass 8 F 0707 AM 01/07 CWOP ...Bee County... 3 SW Beeville 15 F 0735 AM 01/07 AWOS Beeville 16 F 0335 AM 01/07 AWS ...Calhoun County... 14 ENE Fulton 10 F 0712 AM 01/07 RAWS 2 NW Seadrift 11 F 0830 AM 01/07 NOS-NWLON 4 ENE Seadrift 11 F 0652 AM 01/07 CWOP 1 SSE Kamay 11 F 0845 AM 01/07 CWOP Port Lavaca 9 F 0615 AM 01/07 AWOS ...Goliad County... 2 NW Goliad 13 F 0915 AM 01/07 AWS 3 NNW Schroeder 14 F 0813 AM 01/07 CWOP ...Jim Wells County... Naval Auxilary Landing Field 14 F 0756 AM 01/07 ASOS Alice International Arpt 15 F 0553 AM 01/07 ASOS Alice 15 F 0819 AM 01/07 AWS ...Kleberg County... Kingsville Nas 15 F 0556 AM 01/07 ASOS 2 NNW Ricardo 26 F 0810 AM 01/07 MESOWEST ...La Salle County... Cotulla-lasalle County Airpo 18 F 0653 AM 01/07 ASOS ...Live Oak County... 2 NNE Lake Corpus Christi 14 F 0901 AM 01/07 CWOP 2 N George West 18 F 0806 AM 01/07 RAWS ...McMullen County... 5 WNW Choke Canyon 13 F 0920 AM 01/07 AWS Frio River 25 F 0800 AM 01/07 COOP ...Nueces County... Corpus Christi Nas 12 F 0656 AM 01/07 ASOS Corpus Christi 12 F 0751 AM 01/07 ASOS 7 SE Aransas Pass 12 F 0724 AM 01/07 NOS-NWLON 5 W Flour Bluff 12 F 0722 AM 01/07 CWOP 3 S Flour Bluff 13 F 0822 AM 01/07 WXFLOW Robstown 14 F 0655 AM 01/07 AWOS 7 SW Portland 14 F 0815 AM 01/07 AWS 1 SE Flour Bluff 14 F 0826 AM 01/07 WXFLOW 4 ENE Robstown 16 F 0836 AM 01/07 CWOP 5 W Corpus Christi 19 F 0809 AM 01/07 CWOP 4 SE Edroy 25 F 0825 AM 01/07 MESOWEST ...Refugio County... 1 WSW Woodsboro 22 F 0725 AM 01/07 MESOWEST ...San Patricio County... 4 NNW Ingleside 13 F 0835 AM 01/07 AWOS 1 N Ingleside 14 F 0803 AM 01/07 CWOP ...Victoria County... 4 ENE Victoria 10 F 0504 AM 01/07 RAWS Regional Airport 11 F 0651 AM 01/07 ASOS 3 S Telferner 11 F 0629 AM 01/07 CWOP 1 WSW Victoria 13 F 0329 AM 01/07 AWS 1 E Victoria 14 F 0830 AM 01/07 CWOP 3 NW Victoria 19 F 0853 AM 01/07 CWOP 5 N Victoria 21 F 0800 AM 01/07 COOP Nursery 21 F 0805 AM 01/07 MESOWEST 1 N Inez 22 F 0729 AM 01/07 CWOP 3 NW Victoria 7 F 0509 AM 01/07 AWS ...Webb County... 1 SE Laredo 17 F 0815 AM 01/07 AWS 1 NE Laredo 18 F 0656 AM 01/07 AWOS 1 NNW Laredo 22 F 0854 AM 01/07 AWS ...Maritime Stations... 8 SE Aransas Pass 12 F 0700 AM 01/07 MARITIME 18 E Loyola Beach 13 F 0800 AM 01/07 NOS-NWLON 4 ESE Flour Bluff 13 F 0836 AM 01/07 NOS-NWLON 10 SE Chapman Ranch 14 F 0730 AM 01/07 NOS-NWLON 3 WNW Corpus Christi 14 F 0810 AM 01/07 WXFLOW 5 SE Flour Bluff 19 F 0532 AM 01/07 CWOP 56 SE Seadrift 20 F 0715 AM 01/07 AWOS Mustang Island 85a 20 F 0815 AM 01/07 AWOS 6 SW Portland 26 F 0842 AM 01/07 NOS-NWLON 8 SE Magnolia Beach 9 F 0755 AM 01/07 AWS