National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
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Why are all warning graphics red?

The color choices are based on the NWS Hazard Simplification (Hazsimp) concept and the Point and Click forecast page icon color scheme developed in coordination with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR). This denotes convective warnings as red and watches as yellow. Additional information on the NCAR research can be found at GIS and graphic design subject matter experts were also consulted on the layout, design and map inset.


What happened to the radar and storm motion? Why are they no longer displayed?


The intended audience for the twitter impact graphics is the general public, although we recognize there is a much broader user group. In an effort to simplify the display into a bottom line up front approach, we have removed elements of the graphic that may have caused confusion. Given the radar display was a snapshot in time, the information would quickly become dated. The motion/direction line of the storm was based on the centroid location provided by the radar operator at the time the warning was issued, which may lead to misinterpretation of the location of threats by the end user.


The graphics have a new look. What changed?


The full description of the changes to the graphics are outlined in the Product Description Document. A few highlights include:

  1. All warnings graphics now consist of a single main panel displaying the warning area with a smaller secondary panel providing a regional perspective.

  2. All warnings are now shaded red with all watches shaded yellow based on the Hazsimp concept and Point and Click forecast page icons color scheme.

  3. The radar imagery and population density maps were removed for easier interpretation of the information

  4. @NWSFlashFlood graphics were added

  5. Spanish interpreted versions of all graphics are now available for dissemination by local WFOs with large spanish speaking populations.      


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*PDF version also available