Interest in accurate and timely weather and climate observations has grown tremendously over the past decade. Applications range from managing multi-billion dollar economic weather risk for business and industry to understanding the impact of climate variability. Assuring data quality from the point of observation to the point of delivery is critical. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) plays a critical role in the collection, quality control, archiving, and dissemination of accurate, secure surface climate and weather observations. These data are used by the agency to fulfill its mandate to describe the nation’s climate and detect, monitor and predict climate variability and change, including characterization of socio-economic impacts. Customers consider NOAA the neutral broker” for climate data services.
The NWS establishes and maintains the observation networks and instrumentation, collects the preliminary data, makes that data available to users, and delivers the data to NESDIS’s National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), where it is quality-controlled, archived, and disseminated as final certifiable data to users in a variety of formats.
Improvements in Data Collection
Another significant policy change was related to COOP station relocation. Existing policy allowed stations to retain their identification number for moves within 100 vertical feet and/or 5 horizontal miles of the original location. The problem with this practice was that analyses clearly showed that for most relocations within these distances, the climate record from the new site was significantly different than the original site. Allowing the station to retain its identification number misleads the unwary user. This increases the risk of analysts coming to incorrect conclusions regarding climate analysis at that location. The new policy places the burden on retention of a station identification number on a rigorous demonstration of data continuity regardless of horizontal and vertical distance changes involved in the relocation.
Inconsistencies related to the use of backup data when primary precipitation data were unavailable introduced discrepancies in the precipitation record of ASOS Primary LCD stations. NWS now requires NOAA-published LCD ASOS sites to use backup site data only when the primary ASOS instrumentation is either not functioning or when, in the judgment of the WFO staff, the primary ASOS report is spurious (NWS 2006)
Backup electrical power has been installed for 152 hurricane-prone LCDs within 300 miles of the coastline.
NWS also addressed the problem of estimating missing data. Without a policy in place estimation methods varied from office to office and even among staff within offices, and were often not documented. New policy now instructs NWS WFOs not to estimate missing data (NWS, 2006). The result is an improved climate record with traceable data values.
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Datzilla is a web-based system that reports and tracks data discrepancy resolution in historical NOAA data sets and products. It was developed by our partners at the Southern Regional Climate Center in 2004. Data discrepancy reports may involve observed climate data, data access or management systems, or metadata. Datzilla is an interactive system that allows both authorized error reporters (e.g., NWS WFO CSFPs, Observations Program Leaders, or Data Acquisition Program Managers; SCs, climate community partners; etc.) and data managers to communicate with each other, to report data discrepancies, and to monitor the error reporting process from start to finish.
![]() The vast majority of the images scanned under CDMP are accessible through the NCEI-developed Environmental Document Access and Display System, Version 2 (EV2) application. Access to EV2 is available to United States government employees and their contractors, educational institutions doing environmental research, and other researchers associated with NOAA projects. If you would like an account in EV2, please contact Commercial customers should call NCEI customer service at 828-271-4800 or e-mail for their data needs. Access to historical climatological observations scanned under CDMP is available to the public through the NCDC Images and Publications System (IPS). The IPS system is a web interface for records stored within the EV2 system.
ACIS is a custom-designed interface which provides NOAA personnel with access to historical and near real-time climate data products through a suite of standard climate analyses features via the Internet. This tool relieved individual WFOs of database maintenance and provided a central set of tools upon which to receive new products, tools, and services. This data mining tool allows internal NOAA staff to conduct historical data analyses on all stations (COOP and ASOS) that have 1981-2010 normals (several thousand stations nationwide). A huge improvement resulting from the use of xmACIS is that there is now a single validated database replacing the multiple databases and the inherent inconsistencies.
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