National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

A new webpage called Local Standard Radar has been added as an option under our radar menu at and is an additional offering to the Enhanced Radar (GIS) display at

Following the release of our Enhanced Radar (GIS) product, many of you requested that we continue to offer a simpler product as an option to meet either restricted bandwidth or for application development needs. We received your feedback and developed Local Standard Radar.

Local Standard Radar provides low bandwidth users a reliable, fast loading website for radar images, radar loops, and warning polygons in effect (Tornado, Severe Thunderstorm, Flash Flood, and Snow Squall Warnings). The new site offers reflectivity only and defaults to the most recent loop (10 frames; last 45 minutes) from any individual WSR-88D radar. Radar loops and images are automatically updated every five minutes. Local Standard Radar has basic functionality, similar to the NWS radar pages we discontinued in December 2020.

It is important to note that the Enhanced Radar (GIS) website has 24/7 monitoring and support, while the Local Standard Radar websites are dependent on local forecast office resources to maintain operational availability.

For more info, check out the latest Public Information Statement here.


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