National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
The Winter Chronicle Local/State Saturday, January 26, 2018 A8



NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards (NWR) is a nationwide network of radio stations broadcasting continuous weather information directly from the nearest National Weather Service office. NWR broadcasts official Weather Service warnings, watches, forecasts and other hazard information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Specially built receivers are available at your local electronics stores and electronics web sites. For life saving information, get one today.

Severe weather spotters wanted.

The National Weather Service is looking for interested severe weather spotters. If interested, please see page A2.

This special series of web pages were created by Karen Oudeman and Kirk Lombardy. If you would like further information about the Blizzard of 1978, please contact Kirk Lombardy via email.
The creators of this web page would like to extend their special thanks to: Dr. Thomas Schmidlin, chair of the Department of Geography at Kent State University and Jeanne Schmidlin, writer. They are the authors of "Thunder in the Heartland: A Chronicle of Outstanding Weather Events in Ohio," published in 1996 by Kent State University Press