NWS Damage Survey Photos of Wood/Ottawa EF4 Tornado
This was the initial touchdown of the tornado near the corner of I-80 and Oregon Rd. (EF0)
Indian Hills Subdivision in Moline. The tornado entered this area as an EF1.
Indians Hills Subdivision. The tornado began to intensify in this area to an EF2 intensity.
The tornado crossed St. Rte 795 and headed down Moline - Martin Road. The tornado quickly intensified to EF3 intensity at this point. The trees show a converging pattern in this image. The trees all converge towards a central location. A classic tornado signature.
EF3 intensity winds hit the Lake Township Police Station and move east.
EF3 intensity damage on the south end of Toledo Metcalf airport.
The tornado continued to move east almost parallel to State Route 795 when it hit Lake High School. Intensity was still EF3 at this point.
Winds around 141 mph are required to collapse these high tension power poles. The storm is still at EF3 intensity.
The storm weakened slightly as it reached Collins road just east of Pemberville Road. It briefly decreased to EF2 intensity before it began to strengthen again.
The storm reach its peak intensity on the northwest side of Millbury as it crossed Millbury Rd. The storm reach EF4 intensity with estimated winds of 170-175mph. With these wind speeds entire homes are destroyed with nothing left standing.
The tornado with EF4 intensity winds throws cars like toys.
The tornado began to decrease in intensity back to an EF3 as it crossed State Route 51 east of Millbury Rd.
The tornado was down to an EF2 intensity as it moved into Ottawa County near the corner of Fostoria Road and Trowbridge Road.
EF3 damage on Trowbridge Road near the end of the track.
EF2 intensity tornado winds strike a home at the corner of Trowbridge Road and Billman Road.
The tornado intensified one more time as it took a southeast turn and hit some homes at the corner of Trowbridge Road and Reiman Road. The tornado rapidly dissipated after hitting these homes and was completely off the ground by the time the storm moved to Bolander Road just west of Clay Center. |