National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

The NOAA National Weather Service (NWS) Forecast Office in Cleveland is gathering information on the May 31, 1985 tornado outbreak. We wish to respectfully honor the passage of the 30th anniversary of the event. We will post the information on our web page (

If you have information you would like to share with us, please e-mail us at the NWS Cleveland or send us the information via the poastal service at:

NOAA National Weather Service
5301 West Hanger Road - Federal Facility Building
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
Cleveland, OH 44135
Attention: May 31

We are looking for:
Pictures (digital or prints)
Impact and Statistics

Note that we will not be able to return any of the information. We will give credit to all information posted unless otherwise requested. We do not guarantee all the information received will be posted.

Thank you. We appreciate your participation.

NOAA National Weather Service, Cleveland Ohio, serving northern Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania.