Another system will impact the area Wednesday night into Friday with multiple hazards expected including additional snowfall, the potential for snow squalls, strong winds, hazardous marine conditions. Click here to view the latest snowfall forecast. Read More >
Map coverage area for Youngstown WWG-56
WWG-56 operates 24 hours a day at a frequency of 162.500 MHZ.
County Coverage for WWG56
State | County | SAME |
OH | Columbiana (northern half) | 039029 |
OH | Mahoning | 039099 |
OH | Portage (eastern) | 039133 |
OH | Stark (NE corner) | 039151 |
OH | Trumbull | 039155 |
PA | Lawrence | 042073 |
PA | Mercer (southwest half) | 042085 |
PA | Beaver (northwest corner) | 042007 |
The number in the 'SAME' column is used for the Specific Area Message Encoder (SAME), utilized by some NOAA Weather Radio All-Hazards receivers.
Alerting Area for WWG56
State | County | SAME |
OH | Carroll | 039019 |
OH | Columbiana | 039029 |
OH | Mahoning | 039099 |
OH | Portage | 039133 |
OH | Stark | 039151 |
OH | Trumbull | 039155 |
PA | Lawrence | 042073 |
PA | Mercer | 042085 |
River Points | alerted river points |
Alarm features will be initiated for only the above counties listed. See the non-routine programming below for more information on which messages contain the alarm features. You must be within the coverage area to hear alerts for the above counties.
Programming Schedule
Product | Issued | Periodicity |
Daily Climate (Youngstown) | 1 AM EST & 5 PM EST | Every 15 min, until 10 AM EST & 11 PM EST |
Hourly Weather Observations | :10 past every hour | Every Cycle |
Nearshore Water Forecast (Geneva-on-the-Lake to Conneaut) |
4 AM/PM & 10 AM/PM |
Every 20 min - full forecast Every Cycle - first 24 hrs of forecast |
Weather Synopsis | 4 AM/PM | Every Cycle |
Short Term Forecast | 4 AM/PM & Noon (plus as needed) | Every Cycle |
Extended Forecast | 4 AM/PM & Noon | Every 10 min |
8-14 Day Outlook | 4 PM Mon/Wed/Fri | Every 30 min |
Monthly Climate (Youngstown) | Between 1st and 5th each month | Every 15 min for 1 day |
Routine Weekly Test | Every Wed between 11 AM-Noon | Plays Once |
During adverse weather conditions, some routine programming is suspended. This is done to broadcast more important information frequently. When a Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado Watch is issued, the Climate summaries, Weather Synopsis, 8-14 day Outlook, Buoy Observations, and the Routine Weekly Test will NOT be played. When a Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado Warning is issued, the Short and Long Term Forecast, and the Nearshore Water Forecast and Open Water Forecast will NOT be played. If a Winter Storm Watch is issued, the Climate summaries and the 8-14 day Outlooks get suspended.