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Station: Erie, PA  KEC-58 @ 162.400 MHZ


Map coverage area for Erie, PA KEC-58

KEC-58 operates 24 hours a day at a frequency of 162.400 MHZ.

County Coverage for KEC58

State County SAME
NY Chautauqua (W 1/2) 036013
OH Ashtabula (primarily northern 1/2) 039007
PA Crawford 042039
PA Erie 042049
PA Warren (far W) 042123
Lake Erie Geneva-on-the-Lake, OH to Dunkirk, NY (and adjacent offshore waters)


The number in the 'SAME' column is used for the Specific Area Message Encoder (SAME), utilized by some NOAA Weather Radio All-Hazards receivers.

See Coverage Map Notes below for more information on the map on the left.

Alerting Area for KEC58

State County SAME
NY Chautauqua (W 1/2) 036013
OH Ashtabula (primarily northern 1/2) 039007
PA Crawford 042039
PA Erie 042049
PA Venango (NW) 042121
PA Warren (far W) 042123
Lake Erie Geneva-on-the-Lake, OH to Ripley, NY (and adjacent offshore waters)
River Points alerted river points

Alarm features will be initiated for only the above counties listed. See the non-routine programming below for more information on which messages contain the alarm features. You must be within the coverage area to hear alerts for the above counties.

Programming Schedule

Routine Programming Cycle

Product Issued Periodicity
Daily Climate (Erie) 1 AM EST & 5 PM EST Every 15 min, until 10 AM EST & 11 PM EST
Hourly Weather Observations :10 past every hour Every Cycle

Open Water Forecast (offshore waters from Geneva-on-the-Lake to Ripley)

4 AM/PM & 10 AM/PM Every 15 min (30 min winter)

Nearshore Water Forecast (Geneva-on-the-Lake to Ripley)

4 AM/PM & 10 AM/PM

Every 20 min - full forecast

Every Cycle - first 24 hrs of forecast

Weather Synopsis 4 AM/PM Every Cycle
Short Term Forecast 4 AM/PM & Noon (plus as needed) Every Cycle
Extended Forecast 4 AM/PM & Noon Every 10 min
8-14 Day Outlook 4 PM Mon/Wed/Fri Every 30 min
Monthly Climate (Erie) Between 1st and 5th each month Every 15 min for 1 day
Buoy Observations 8 and 10 AM & 12 and 2 PM Every Cycle
Routine Weekly Test Every Wed between 11 AM-Noon Plays Once


Non-Rountine Programming

During adverse weather conditions, some routine programming is suspended.  This is done to broadcast more important information frequently.  When a Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado Watch is issued, the Climate summaries, Weather Synopsis, 8-14 day Outlook, Buoy Observations, and the Routine Weekly Test will NOT be played.  When a Severe Thunderstorm or Tornado Warning is issued, the Short and Long Term Forecast, and the Nearshore Water Forecast and Open Water Forecast will NOT be played.  If a Winter Storm Watch is issued, the Climate summaries and the 8-14 day Outlooks get suspended.

For the Erie transmitter, the alarm features will be used for the following messages (silent periods are noted):

  • Tornado Watches and Warnings
  • Severe Thunderstorm Watches and Warnings
  • Special Marine Warnings
  • Winter Storm Watch or Lake Effect Watch (not between Midnight and 7am)
  • Winter Storm Warning or Lake Effect Warning (not between Midnight and 7am)
  • Blizzard Watches and Warnings (not between Midnight and 7am)
  • Wind Chill Warning (not between Midnight and 7am)
  • Flood or Flash Flood Watch (not between Midnight and 7am)
  • Flood Warnings and Flash Flood Warnings (countywide or select river points)
  • High Wind Watch and Warning (not between Midnight and 7am)
  • Routine Weekly Test
  • Shelter in Place Warning
  • Radiological Hazard Warning
  • Nuclear Power Plant Warning
  • Law Enforcement Warning
  • Hazardous Materials Warning
  • Fire Warning
  • Evacuation Immediate
  • Earthquake Warning
  • Civil Emergency Message
  • Emergency Action Notification
Coverage Map Notes
The coverage statistics and maps are calculated using a computer model and station data assuming ideal conditions.
Coverage may be 5 to 10 percent below the computer predicted coverage for the following reasons:
  • The computer model is sensitive to antenna performance. Antenna performance is a function of local conditions, causing signals to be stronger signal level in some directions than others.
  • Most NWR stations are at existing antenna towers, provided at little or no cost.
  • Placement of NWR antennas is dictated by the tower owner, which may result in a less than ideal set up.
  • The antenna may be affected by nearby structures or bodies of water.
  • In some special instances, the antenna may have been intentionally adjusted to be "directional" and provide better coverage to a specific area to the detriment of other areas.
  • Most of the stations employ equipment technology more than 20 years old. Because of variations in local site conditions, the performance of an individual transmitter and antenna may be less than predicted or expected.
  • Seasonal environmental conditions, such as icing or heavy rain, affect performance of a transmitter station and its various components, particularly those subject to continuous weather exposure.
  • The coverage maps are shown in a single color format, which relates to an estimated signal level.
    • White: Signal level of greater than 18dBuV: Reliable coverage
  • The county or counties that are marked with hash markings will receive alert tones from the transmitter. If your receiver is capable you can program the device to alert you when the transmitter sends alert messages. Use the SAME code listed in the county coverage to program your receiver for the county or counties to receive alerts.