National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

The Flood of 1913 - Remembered 100 Years Later

The Silver Jacket teams of Ohio and Indiana, with support of the Midwest Regional Climate Center, have launched a Silver Jackets Flood of 1913 website at:

The web site is packed with histortical information as well as current-day tips on flood preparedness, mitigation, and more.

Flooding at Dayton along the Miami River.

NOAA Photo Library Image - wea00755

Martial law established at Dayton as a precaution against looting. As seen in: "Our National Calamity of Fire, Flood, and Tornado" by Logan Marshall, 1913. L. T. Myers publisher. These floods caused 527 deaths, the U.S. record for the 20th Century.

The Silver Jackets - An Ongoing National Flood Response


Public outcry after the landmark Flood of 1913 event helped drive the creation of many of the federal, state, and local flood prevention and education efforts we rely ontoday.  In the spirit of collaboration, the Silver Jackets gather teams of federal, state and local agencies to work on state-initiated flood preparedness, warning, and response projects.  The Silver Jackets commemoration of the Flood of 1913 is being led by the Ohio and Indiana Silver Jacket teams and in conjunction with a number of supporting agencies including the National Weather Service Cleveland.


A full list can be found here: