National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Critical Fire Weather in the Southern Plains; Pacific Storm to Impact California Midweek

An extended period of critical fire weather is forecast through Saturday from southern New Mexico into the southern Plains. A Pacific storm with atmospheric river will bring heavy mountain snow and strong winds to the Sierra Nevada and heavy rainfall over parts of coastal southern California midweek. Read More >

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Columbia SC
1147 AM EST Feb 08 2024

...Climate Summary for January 2024...

...Active Month for Severe Weather and River Flooding...
...Four Tornadoes Spawned during the Month...
...Two River Flood Events during the Month...
...Above Normal Rainfall Across the western Midlands...
...Temperatures Slightly Above Normal for the Month...

...El Nino Advisory Continues...
...La Nina Watch Issued...

.Columbia SC Average Temperatures...

The average temperature at Columbia Metropolitan Airport for January
was 46.5 or 0.8 degrees above the monthly normal of  degrees.

.Augusta GA Average Temperatures...

The average temperature at Augusta Regional Bush Field for January
was 46.0 degrees or 1.4 degrees below the monthly normal of 47.4

.Columbia Rainfall...

Columbia Metro Airport received 2.65 inches of rainfall during
January, 0.84 inches below the monthly normal of 3.49 inches.

.Augusta Rainfall...

Augusta Bush Field received 2.70 inches of rainfall during January,
1.14 inches below the monthly normal of 3.84 inches.



Jan 2023  62.1/+5.3     40.5/+5.9     51.3    45.7    +5.6
Feb       68.8/+8.0     44.5/+7.2     56.7    49.1    +7.6
Mar       69.8/+1.5     47.1/+3.5     58.5    55.9    +2.6
Apr       77.3/+0.6     52.3/+0.8     64.8    64.1    +0.7
May       78.9/-4.9     58.8/-1.7     68.9    72.2    -3.3
Jun       86.3/-3.4     66.1/-2.5     76.2    79.1    -2.9
Jul       92.5/-0.2     73.5/+1.5     83.0    82.4    +0.6
Aug       93.2/+2.4     72.1/+0.9     82.6    81.0    +1.6
Sep       85.3/-0.4     64.7/-0.6     75.0    75.5    -0.5
Oct       77.3/+0.8     52.1/-0.6     64.7    64.6    +0.1
Nov       67.1/+0.7     42.1/+0.5     54.6    54.0    +0.6
Dec       61.5/+2.6     37.5/+0.7     49.4    47.7    +2.6

Jan 2024  58.0/+1.2     35.0/+0.4     46.5    45.7    +0.8


Jan 2023  62.0/+2.4     37.6/+2.3     49.8    47.4    +2.4
Feb       70.3/+6.8     42.6/+4.5     56.4    50.8    +5.6
Mar       70.5/-0.5     44.4/+0.3     57.5    57.5     0.0
Apr       77.2/-1.3     49.5/-1.1     63.3    64.6    -1.3
May       79.0/-6.9     57.6/-2.0     68.3    72.7    -4.4
Jun       86.9/-4.4     63.2/-4.9     75.1    79.7    -4.6
Jul       92.6/-1.5     71.2/-0.4     81.9    82.8    -0.9
Aug       92.5/-0.1     69.9/-1.1     81.2    81.8    -0.6
Sep       85.4/-2.4     62.0/-3.0     73.7    76.4    -2.7
Oct       77.5/-1.5     50.6/-2.5     64.1    66.0    -1.9
Nov       67.2/-1.9     40.6/-1.6     53.9    55.6    -1.7
Dec       61.9/+0.4     37.4/+0.1     49.6    49.4    +0.2

Jan 2024  58.9/-0.9     33.4/-1.9     46.0    47.4    -1.4



Jan 2023       5.79     3.49    +2.30
Feb            3.50     3.39    +0.11
Mar            4.82     3.57    +1.25
Apr            5.04     2.83    +2.21
May            4.95     3.49    +1.46
Jun            6.12     4.97    +1.15
Jul            5.57     5.35    +0.22
Aug            5.71     4.65    +1.06
Sep            4.43     3.91    +0.52
Oct            1.62     3.13    -1.51
Nov            3.33     2.76    +0.57
Dec            4.70     3.70    +1.00

YTD Total     55.58    45.24   +10.34

Jan 2024       2.65     3.49    -0.84



Jan 2023       6.79     3.84    +2.95
Feb            5.08     3.67    +1.41
Mar            4.17     4.08    +0.09
Apr            6.56     2.92    +3.64 *7th Wettest April on Record
May            3.51     3.05    +0.46
Jun            6.17     4.75    +1.42
Jul            7.62     4.48    +3.14
Aug            6.87     4.61    +2.26
Sep            5.24     3.60    +1.64
Oct            4.37     2.56    +1.81
Nov            1.92     2.66    -0.74
Dec            4.42     3.87    +0.55

YTD Total     62.72    44.09   +18.63 *3rd Wettest Year on Record

Jan 2024       2.70     3.84    -1.14

Temperature/Precipitation Records Tied or Broken during the month of





Here are some of the highest/lowest monthly rainfall totals for
January from our NWS Coop Weather Observers:

Lake Greenwood (CHPS1)...........8.07 inches
Batesburg Water Plant (BATS1)....7.92 inches
Newberry WKDK (NWYS1)............7.84 inches
Lincolnton (LNCG1)...............6.62 inches
Indian Land (INDS1)..............6.12 inches

Here are some highest monthly rainfall totals for January from
our CoCoRaHS (Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network):

SC-LN-25  Fort Mill 3.3 E........8.45 inches
SC-NW-29  Whitmire 2.3 NW........7.56 inches
SC-LX-190 Chapin 6.0 SSW.........6.95 inches
SC-CF-5   Pageland 9.0 WSW.......6.94 inches

GA-MD-5   Thomson 2.6 S..........5.34 inches
GA-RC-18  Martinez 1.3 SE........4.72 inches
GA-CU-6   Martinez 0.9 NW........4.41 inches
GA-LC-2   Tignall 10.2 NE........4.29 inches

Significant Weather Events for January 2024:

January 9th...A strong upper level and surface areas of low pressure
moved northeast into the Midwest. A cold front, along which a
secondary area of low pressure formed moved through the area. This
system produced strong gradient winds, along with enhanced wind
gusts associated with severe thunderstorms. An intense low level jet
enhanced the winds and resulted in widespread tree damage. The system
produced two tornadoes and heavy rainfall that resulted in flash
flooding in Lancaster County. Heavy rainfall across the Carolinas
resulted in widespread river flooding on the area rivers.

Here are some of the highest wind gusts with the event:


The following are peak wind gust measurements from yesterday and early
this morning.  Reports below 40 MPH were excluded for brevity.

Location                     Speed     Time/Date       Provider
2 SW Murphys Estates         64 MPH    0115 PM 01/09   PUBLIC
Orangeburg Airport           59 MPH    0256 PM 01/09   ASOS
Carolina Sandhills NWR       57 MPH    0414 PM 01/09   RAWS
ETV Aiken                    55 MPH    1140 AM 01/09   MESOWEST
Coast Guard Is. Lake Murray  54 MPH    0225 PM 01/09   RCWINDS
Columbia Metro Airport       53 MPH    0153 PM 01/09   ASOS
Sumter Municipal Apt         53 MPH    0355 PM 01/09   AWOS
Flotilla Is. Lake Murray     52 MPH    0220 PM 01/09   NDBC
McEntire JNG                 48 MPH    0245 PM 01/09   ASOS
Lake Murray Towers           47 MPH    1245 AM 01/10   USGS
Santee Cooper Regional Apt   47 MPH    0335 PM 01/09   AWOS
Orangeburg                   46 MPH    0310 PM 01/09   CWOP
Augusta Bush Field Apt       46 MPH    0111 AM 01/10   ASOS
Shaw AFB Sumter              46 MPH    0140 PM 01/09   ASOS
Dutch Fork HS Irmo           45 MPH    0307 PM 01/09   RCWINDS
2.0 SE Columbia (WxSTEM)     45 MPH    0410 AM 01/10   MESOWEST
I-20 Augusta - Welcome Ctr   45 MPH    0116 PM 01/09   MESOWEST
Aiken Regional Apt           45 MPH    0235 AM 01/10   AWOS
Cheraw Municipal Apt         45 MPH    0435 PM 01/09   AWOS
Columbia Hamilton-Owens Apt  45 MPH    0446 AM 01/10   ASOS
Augusta Daniel Field Apt     45 MPH    1109 AM 01/09   ASOS
Dearing                      44 MPH    1145 AM 01/09   UGA
Barnwell Regional Apt        43 MPH    0135 AM 01/10   AWOS
Lancaster McWhirter Field    43 MPH    0155 AM 01/10   AWOS
2.1 S Mulberry (WxSTEM)      42 MPH    0220 PM 01/09   MESOWEST
US 25 at I-20 Aiken Co       41 MPH    0130 PM 01/09   MESOWEST
Thomson-McDuffie Co Apt      40 MPH    1155 PM 01/09   AWOS
I-20 at I-77 Columbia (SCDOT)40 MPH    0414 AM 01/10   MESOWEST
Clarks Hill-SC               40 MPH    1245 PM 01/09   UGA
Richland Co HQ Columbia      40 MPH    0215 PM 01/09   RCWINDS

Here are some of the highest rainfall totals from the event:


The following are total rainfall amounts from the recent storm.
Amounts below 0.50 inch were excluded for brevity and QC.

Location                     Amount    Time/Date       Provider
Bishopville BSPS1            3.80 in   0631 AM 01/10   COOP
Fort Mill 3.3 E              3.36 in   0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Sumter                       3.18 in   0915 AM 01/10   CWOP
McCormick 0.5 NW             3.12 in   0655 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Long Cane                    3.06 in   0854 AM 01/10   RAWS
Lake Greenwood Dam           3.05 in   0700 AM 01/10   COOP
Ridge Spring 0.4 SSW         3.03 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
McCormick                    2.85 in   0700 AM 01/10   COOP
Sumter 3.3 SW                2.84 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
0.9 NE Lincolnton            2.83 in   0800 AM 01/10   COOP
Whitmire 2.3 NW              2.78 in   0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
4 ENE Cameron                2.77 in   0920 AM 01/10   AWS
Sumter                       2.77 in   0916 AM 01/10   CWOP
Trenton 6.5 SSW              2.70 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Cameron                      2.59 in   0920 AM 01/10   AWS
Sumter 6.8 NNE               2.59 in   0430 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Augusta 3.0 WNW              2.52 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Lancaster 7.1 ENE            2.51 in   0600 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Gilbert 8.0 N                2.50 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Leesville 8.0 N              2.50 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Indian Land 4.7 S            2.47 in   0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
5 NE Murphys Estates         2.45 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Pinewood                     2.40 in   0900 AM 01/10   CWOP
4 WNW Waxhaw                 2.38 in   0915 AM 01/10   AWS
Leesville 10.6 NNE           2.38 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
9 WNW Pageland               2.35 in   0418 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Chapin 6.0 SSW               2.35 in   0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Batesburg Water Plant        2.34 in   0800 AM 01/10   COOP
Lincolnton 4 S               2.34 in   0800 AM 01/10   COOP
Thomson 2.6 S                2.33 in   0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Sumter 1.9 W                 2.33 in   0600 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Irmo 3.3 NW                  2.30 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
1 NNW Winnsboro              2.29 in   0920 AM 01/10   AWS
Sumter 0.6 ENE               2.28 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
THOMSON                      2.27 in   0918 AM 01/10   CWOP
Martinez 3.0 NE              2.24 in   0715 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Jenkinsville 1.9 N           2.18 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Little Mountain              2.16 in   0900 AM 01/10   COOP
Batesburg Leesville PD       2.13 in   0900 AM 01/10   HADS
Pinewood                     2.13 in   0900 AM 01/10   CWOP
Lancaster 0.4 WSW            2.13 in   0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Chapin 5.8 S                 2.08 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
3 NNE Elloree                2.06 in   0920 AM 01/10   AWS
Fort Gordon                  2.04 in   0901 AM 01/10   RAWS
North Augusta 3.5 ENE        1.99 in   0500 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Orangeburg Airport           1.99 in   0853 AM 01/10   ASOS
North Augusta                1.98 in   0918 AM 01/10   CWOP
Thomson-McDuffie Co Apt      1.95 in   0915 AM 01/10   AWOS
2 WNW Holly Hill             1.95 in   0600 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Bamberg                      1.94 in   0918 AM 01/10   CWOP
4.5 N Mount Carmel           1.93 in   0900 AM 01/10   HADS
North Augusta 3.6 N          1.93 in   0650 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Sumter 8.0 SSE               1.93 in   0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
North Augusta 1.5 WSW        1.91 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Prosperity 0.1 NW            1.89 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Sumter 8.7 S                 1.82 in   0709 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Sumter                       1.79 in   0915 AM 01/10   CWOP
Santee NWR                   1.77 in   0844 AM 01/10   RAWS
Prosperity 4.0 E             1.76 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Newberry 2.9 S               1.74 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Augusta Daniel Field Apt     1.70 in   0853 AM 01/10   ASOS
2 SSW Mulberry               1.70 in   0920 AM 01/10   AWS
CLEMSON EDISTO BLACKVILLE 3  1.69 in   0905 AM 01/10   HADS
3 SSE Saint Matthews         1.69 in   0918 AM 01/10   AWS
Newberry                     1.68 in   0800 AM 01/10   COOP
Newberry 1.3 SSE             1.68 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Elloree 2.2 WSW              1.67 in   0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
4.7 N Peak                   1.66 in   0845 AM 01/10   COOP
Barnwell 4.6 S               1.65 in   0721 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Santee 2.0 ENE               1.64 in   0800 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Edgefield 3.3 N              1.63 in   0531 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Saluda Water Plant           1.62 in   0800 AM 01/10   COOP
Blair 6.3 ESE                1.62 in   0600 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Orangeburg                   1.59 in   0916 AM 01/10   CWOP
Saluda 0.6 NNE               1.59 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
2 N Camden                   1.56 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
2 SE Hopkins                 1.53 in   0912 AM 01/10   AWS
Jefferson 0.1 NW             1.53 in   0630 AM 01/10   COOP
Wagener 1.4 S                1.53 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Jefferson 0.2 NNW            1.53 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
North Augusta                1.52 in   0915 AM 01/10   CWOP
BNLS1                        1.51 in   0800 AM 01/10   COOP
Appling                      1.51 in   0915 AM 01/10   CWOP
Aiken 8.6 SE                 1.51 in   0630 AM 01/10   COCORAHS
Saluda 3.5 ENE               1.51 in   0700 AM 01/10   COCORAHS

Here is the information for the two tornadoes produced during the

...NWS Damage Survey for 01/09/2024 Tornado Event...

...Lake Murray EF-1 Tornado in Lexington County, SC...

Rating: EF1 Estimated
Peak Wind: 90 mph
Path Length /statute/:  3.28 miles
Path Width /maximum/:   150 yards
Fatalities:             0
Injuries:               1

Start Date:             01/09/2024
Start Time:             02:10 PM EST
Start Location:         7 SW Lake Murray Of Richland / Lexington County / SC
Start Lat/Lon:          34.0518 / -81.3548

End Date:               01/09/2024
End Time:               02:16 PM EST
End Location:           4 SW Lake Murray Of Richland / Lexington County / SC
End Lat/Lon:            34.0923 / -81.3252

Survey Summary:
A National Weather Service storm survey team confirmed an EF-1
with peak winds of 90 mph that crossed Lake Murray Tuesday
afternoon. The tornado developed over Shull Island and moved
northeast across Lake Murray. The tornado then came ashore at
Indian Summer Point. The tornado damaged some tree tops at
Shull Island before moving quickly north-northeast, snapping
and uprooting multiple trees along Westridge Court up to
Mallard Drive.The tornado then dissipated before reaching the
intersection of Johns Creek Road and Mallard Drive.

The most significant damage occurred in the Westridge Court
area off Wessinger Road. The tornado uprooted a large Pine tree
that fell into the roof of a home, injuring one elderly person.
This person was transported with minor injuries to the hospital
and later released. There were several large Cedar trees that
were uprooted or snapped in this area as well. Minor damage also
occurred to a small barn with the roof partially uplifted. Just
before the tornado dissipated, it uprooted a large tree along
Mallard Drive.

...NWS Damage Survey for 01/09/24 Tornado Event...

...Bamberg EF-2 Tornado in Bamberg County, SC...

Rating:                 EF2
Estimated Peak Wind:    125 mph
Path Length /statute/:  2.15 miles
Path Width /maximum/:   500 yards
Fatalities:             0
Injuries:               0

Start Date:             01/09/2024
Start Time:             02:46 PM EST
Start Location:         2 S Bamberg / Bamberg County / SC
Start Lat/Lon:          33.2729 / -81.0435

End Date:               01/09/2024
End Time:               02:48 PM EST
End Location:           Bamberg / Bamberg County / SC
End Lat/Lon:            33.3027 / -81.0331

Survey Summary:
A National Weather storm survey team confirmed an EF2 tornado
with peak winds of 125 mph in Bamberg SC. The tornado began
1.75 miles south of the City of Bamberg along US-601, near Cry
Baby Road.

Moving north, the tornado then proceeded to flip a mobile home
and cause substantial EF2 damage to a barrel plant at the
intersection of US-601 and US-301. Door and window failure
contributed to the collapse of the middle section of the building
and partial collapse of the front section. The collapsed portions
of the building were tossed across Chevrolet St into a water

The tornado continued north-northeast along US-301 causing
widespread EF1 roof and tree damage before moving into downtown

As the tornado entered downtown Bamberg, it strengthened
to EF2 intensity and caused substantial structural damage to a
series of 2-3 story historic buildings just south of the
intersection of US-78 and US-301. The newer roof section of a
building on the west side of US-301 was thrown completely off onto
the adjacent structure. There was a complete collapse of the
upper stories of two buildings on the east side of US-301 with the
corner torn off another. Preexisting missing portions of the roof
and gaps in the exterior wall of the former City Hall likely
contributed to its collapse due to wind intrusion.

The tornado then moved north and quickly weakened as it crossed
US-78 before dissipating 0.4 miles north of downtown Bamberg along

The National Weather Service would like to thank wind engineers
from the Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety for
their expertise assisting with surveying some of the structural

January 21st...Cold Canadian High pressure settled over the
Southeast. This produced the cold morning temperatures of the winter
season. Here are some of the morning lows on the 21st.


Location                     Temp      Time/Date       Lat/Lon
Wagener 1SW                    7 F     0903 AM 01/21   33.64N/81.37W
Jefferson 0.1 NW              10 F     0630 AM 01/21   34.65N/80.39W
Cedar Creek                   11 F     0800 AM 01/21   34.22N/81.11W
North Augusta                 11 F     0758 AM 01/21   33.59N/81.97W
2 ESE Saluda                  11 F     0805 AM 01/21   33.99N/81.74W
Pinewood                      12 F     0800 AM 01/21   33.81N/80.47W
Aiken                         12 F     0718 AM 01/21   33.58N/81.56W
Aiken Regional Apt            12 F     0735 AM 01/21   33.65N/81.68W
Fairfield Co Apt Winnsboro    12 F     0715 AM 01/21   34.32N/81.12W
Long Cane                     12 F     0754 AM 01/21   33.92N/82.14W
SRS - SAVRIV                  12 F     0807 AM 01/21   33.33N/81.59W
0.9 NE Lincolnton             12 F     0800 AM 01/21   33.80N/82.47W
Blythewood Fire Station       12 F     0651 AM 01/21   34.22N/80.97W
Courtney Center Ems Wagener   12 F     0743 AM 01/21   33.65N/81.36W
Richland Library North Main   12 F     0726 AM 01/21   34.06N/81.02W
McCrady TC Ft Jackson         12 F     0733 AM 01/21   34.04N/80.74W
Wagener                       13 F     0750 AM 01/21   33.65N/81.36W
Graniteville                  13 F     0825 AM 01/21   33.58N/81.79W
Columbia                      13 F     0808 AM 01/21   34.19N/80.90W
Gilbert                       13 F     0830 AM 01/21   33.91N/81.38W
Jackson                       13 F     0759 AM 01/21   33.37N/81.86W
Gilbert                       13 F     0804 AM 01/21   33.91N/81.39W
Denny Terrace                 13 F     0658 AM 01/21   34.07N/81.06W
Rcsd Hq                       13 F     0710 AM 01/21   34.06N/80.98W
SCDNR Range Garners Ferry     14 F     0800 AM 01/21   33.94N/80.64W
4 WNW Waxhaw                  14 F     0810 AM 01/21   34.96N/80.82W
Springfield                   14 F     0800 AM 01/21   33.48N/81.24W
Batesburg Water Plant         14 F     0800 AM 01/21   33.90N/81.54W
2 NW Dentsville               14 F     0730 AM 01/21   34.10N/80.98W
Fort Mill                     14 F     0755 AM 01/21   35.02N/80.88W
Pinewood                      14 F     0725 AM 01/21   33.65N/80.43W
McBee                         14 F     0735 AM 01/21   34.47N/80.26W
Orangeburg                    14 F     0751 AM 01/21   33.50N/80.99W
1 NNW Winnsboro               14 F     0740 AM 01/21   34.40N/81.10W
Columbia                      14 F     0810 AM 01/21   34.03N/80.97W
Peak                          14 F     0800 AM 01/21   34.22N/81.32W
4 NW Society Hill             14 F     0745 AM 01/21   34.55N/79.90W
GILBERT                       14 F     0746 AM 01/21   33.97N/81.35W
2 SE Hopkins                  14 F     0752 AM 01/21   33.89N/80.85W
Camden Woodward Field         14 F     0735 AM 01/21   34.28N/80.57W
Newberry Co Apt               14 F     0735 AM 01/21   34.32N/81.63W
Lancaster McWhirter Field     14 F     0735 AM 01/21   34.72N/80.85W
Sumter Municipal Apt          14 F     0735 AM 01/21   34.00N/80.37W
Decker Center                 14 F     0655 AM 01/21   34.06N/80.95W
Wedgewood                     14 F     0755 AM 01/21   33.89N/80.52W
2 ESE Elko                    15 F     0740 AM 01/21   33.36N/81.33W
Abc Columbia                  15 F     0750 AM 01/21   34.00N/81.03W
Aiken                         15 F     0820 AM 01/21   33.53N/81.73W
THOMSON                       15 F     0757 AM 01/21   33.49N/82.55W
7 W Saint Matthews            15 F     0735 AM 01/21   33.68N/80.92W
Manning                       15 F     0745 AM 01/21   33.69N/80.26W
Aiken                         15 F     0715 AM 01/21   33.57N/81.74W
Saint Matthews                15 F     0800 AM 01/21   33.66N/80.78W
Graniteville                  15 F     0800 AM 01/21   33.57N/81.74W
Sumter                        15 F     0800 AM 01/21   33.94N/80.47W
Ridgeway                      15 F     0732 AM 01/21   34.37N/80.79W
Williston                     15 F     0735 AM 01/21   33.39N/81.42W
Evans                         15 F     0746 AM 01/21   33.55N/82.21W
Sumter                        15 F     0746 AM 01/21   33.95N/80.39W
Graniteville 1 NE             15 F     0730 AM 01/21   33.58N/81.79W
Heath Springs                 15 F     0805 AM 01/21   34.60N/80.68W
Thomson-McDuffie Co Apt       15 F     0715 AM 01/21   33.53N/82.52W
McEntire JNG                  15 F     0655 AM 01/21   33.92N/80.78W
Lugoff 2 NE                   15 F     0800 AM 01/21   34.25N/80.67W
1 S Pelion                    15 F     0759 AM 01/21   33.76N/81.25W
1 SSW Pelion                  15 F     0750 AM 01/21   33.76N/81.25W
Riverbanks Zoo                15 F     0651 AM 01/21   34.01N/81.07W
Swansea 3.5 NE                15 F     0700 AM 01/21   33.76N/81.04W
Orangeburg                    15 F     0716 AM 01/21   33.55N/80.84W
Fort Gordon                   15 F     0601 AM 01/21   33.35N/82.21W
Clarks Hill-SC                15 F     0815 AM 01/21   33.66N/82.19W
Weir Tower Ft Jackson         15 F     0751 AM 01/21   34.02N/80.87W

January 27th...A cold front and upper level disturbance combined
with sufficient instability and shear, produced a few severe
thunderstorms and two tornadoes. The system also produced heavy
rainfall across Georgia into the Carolinas producing river flooding
along the Congaree River and Great Pee Dee River.

Here is the information about the tornadoes.

...NWS Damage Survey for 01/27/2024 Tornado Event...

..Hunters Lane EF-1 Tornado in Saluda County, SC...

Rating:                 EF1
Estimated Peak Wind:    100 mph
Path Length /statute/:  0.82 miles
Path Width /maximum/:   150 yards
Fatalities:             0
Injuries:               0

Start Date:             01/27/2024
Start Time:             08:19 PM EST
Start Location:         7 NE Saluda / Saluda County / SC
Start Lat/Lon:          34.0715 / -81.667

End Date:               01/27/2024
End Time:               08:22 PM EST
End Location:           8 NE Saluda / Saluda County / SC
End Lat/Lon:            34.0821 / -81.6607

Survey Summary:
A National Weather Service storm survey team confirmed a brief EF-1
tornado with peak winds of 100 mph Saturday evening in Northern Saluda
County. The tornado touched down near the intersection of Hunters
Lane and Blue Spring Road producing minor damage to two houses in
addition to a large number of trees further down Hunters Lane on both
sides of the road where EF-1 damage was observed. The tornado then
moved northeast into an inaccessible wooded area behind homes on
Blue Spring Rd. The tornado turned slightly left crossing Blue Spring Rd
in a NNE direction producing EF-1 damage to another wooded area before
dissipating in an open field while approaching Hollywood Rd. The survey
team estimated several hundred trees were damaged along the path. Many of
the trees were uprooted along with a few trunks snapped. The damage to
homes was mainly to the fascia board and missing shingles.

The National Weather Service would like to thank Saluda County Emergency
Management for accompanying our survey team and assisting with our surveys.

...NWS Damage Survey for 01/27/24 Tornado Event...

...Pontiac Tornado in northeast Richland County, SC...

Rating:                 EF1
Estimated Peak Wind:    90 mph
Path Length /statute/:  0.90 miles
Path Width /maximum/:   90 yards
Fatalities:             0
Injuries:               0

Start Date:             01/27/2024
Start Time:             03:48 PM EST
Start Location:         4 WSW Elgin / Richland County / SC
Start Lat/Lon:          34.1614 / -80.859

End Date:               01/27/2024
End Time:               03:50 PM EST
End Location:           3 W Elgin / Richland County / SC
End Lat/Lon:            34.169 / -80.8464

Survey Summary:
A National Weather Service storm survey team confirmed a brief
EF-1 tornado with peak winds of 90 mph in northeast Richland
County near Pontiac. The tornado began in a wooded area southwest
of Kelly Mill Road and to the east of Bridge Creek where it snapped
and uprooted numerous softwood trees. It also snapped off the top
of a power pole and peeled back a portion of the tin roof of a
shed. The tornado then crossed Kelly Mill Road and continued
northeast where it snapped and uprooted additional trees near a
home and then the tornado continued into an inaccessible wooded
area. The last visible damage appears to be a snapped tree at the
end of Mazola Court.  The tornado likely lifted before crossing
Cherokee Blvd in Kershaw County.

Hydrology/River Stages...

There were two river flood events during the month of January. There
were two major rainfall events that led to these events. The most
significant event came on the heels of the late December flood
event. During January 5th through the 7th, an area of low pressure
developed in the Gulf of America and moved northeast across Georgia
and the Carolinas. The heaviest rain fell in the upper portion of
most river basins across the mountains of North Carolina and South
Carolina. Rainfall totals ranged from 1 and 1.5 inches across the
Midlands to 3 to 5 inches across the Upstate and western North
Carolina. The rainfall led to minor to moderate flooding along the
Saluda, Broad, Catawba, Congaree and Yadkin/Pee Dee River Basins.

Here are some of the river crest:

The Saluda River at Chappells crested at 20.34 feet during the
overnight hours on the 11th in moderate flood. Flood Stage is 14.0

The Congaree River at Columbia crested at 25.66 feet on the early
morning hours of the 12th in minor flood. Flood Stage is 19.0 feet.

The Congaree River at Carolina Eastman crested at 125.2 feet on the
morning of the 12th in moderate flood stage. Flood Stage is 115.0

The Congaree River at the Congaree National Park-Gadsden crested at
18.51 feet on the evening of the 13th in moderate flood. Flood Stage
is 15.0 feet.

The Great Pee Dee River at Cheraw crested at 38.87 feet during the
evening of the 12th in moderate flood. Flood Stage is 30 feet.

The Enoree River at Whitmire crested at 29.84 feet during the
morning of the 11th in moderate flood. Flood Stage is 25.0 feet.

The Wateree River at Lake Wateree crested at 103.77 feet during the
early morning hours of the 11th in moderate flood. Flood Stage is
100.0 feet.

The Wateree River at Camden crested at 29.61 feet during the
afternoon of the 11th in moderate flood. Flood Stage is 27.0 feet.

The Stevens Creek at Modoc crested at 22.16 feet during the early
morning hours of the 10th in minor flood. Flood Stage is 19.0 feet.

The second river flood event was not quite as extensive, but
flooding was observered along the Congaree River and Great Pee Dee
River. An area of low pressure moved northeast along the Appalachian
Mountains on the 24th through the 26th. Once again the heaviest rain
fell across the Upstate of South Carolina and western North
Carolina. Rainfall totals ranged from up to 1 inch across the
Midlands to 3 to 6 inches across portions of the Upstate and "Blue
Wall" along the South Carolina and North Carolina border. The
rainfall produced high flows to moderate flooding along the Congaree
River and minor flooding along the Great Pee Dee River.

Here are some of the river crests:

The Congaree River at Columbia crested at 12.79 feet on the afternoon
of the 29th in action stage. Action Stage is 10.0 feet. Flood Stage
is 19.0 feet.

The Congaree River at Carolina Eastman crested at 119.0 feet during
the evening hours of the 29th in moderate flood. Flood Stage is
115.0 feet.

The Congaree River at Congaree National Park-Gadsden crested at
16.86 feet during the early morning hours of the 30th in minor
flood. Flood Stage is 15.0 feet.

The Great Pee Dee River at Cheraw crested at 32.30 feet during the
late afternoon of the 29th in minor flood. Flood Stage is 30.0 feet.

Lake Murray Water Temperatures (near surface) at the intake towers
for January:

Warmest...55.4 F on the 1st
Coolest...50.2 F on the 31st

January Peak Wind Gust at the ASOS Sites and Lake Wind Sites:

Orangeburg County Airport (OGB).......58 mph on the 9th
Columbia Metro Airport (CAE)..........53 mph on the 9th
Augusta Bush Field (AGS)..............46 mph on the 10th and 19th
Augusta Daniel Field (DNL)............45 mph on the 9th
Columbia Hamilton-Owens Field (CUB)...45 mph on the 10th

Lake Murray Flotilla Island (LMFS1)...53 mph on the 9th
Lake Murray Towers (USGS) (IRMS1).....47 mph on the 10th
Lake Wateree Dam (WATS1)..............33 mph on the 13th
*WATS1 Data missing from 01/5 - 01/11

The 3-Month Climate Outlook

The outlook calls for near normal temperatures along with a 40 to
50 percent chance of above normal precipitation through the


...El Nino Advisory/La Nina Watch...

El Nino conditions are observed. Equatorial surface temperatures are
above average across the central and eastern Pacific Ocean. The
tropical Pacific atmosphere anomalies are consistent with El Nino
conditions. El Nino is expected to transition to ENSO-neutral during
spring 2024, with La Nina potentially developing during summer 2024.

Climate Outlooks and ENSO Discussions courtesy of NOAA
Climate Prediction .

Much appreciation goes out to our NWS Cooperative Weather
Observers...CoCoRaHS (Community...Collaborative...Rain... Hail and
Snow Network) Observers...South Carolina State Climate
Office...Southeast Regional Climate Center...Richland County
Emergency Services...USGS...Clemson Extension...Calhoun County and
local weather partners for the data they provide throughout the
year. Their hard work and dedication is greatly appreciated.

Temperature records for Columbia go back to 1887 and for Augusta
back to 1873. Precipitation records for Columbia go back to 1878 and
for Augusta back to 1871.

Additional climate information, including current and archived daily
and monthly summaries, can be found on the National Weather Service
Columbia SC home page at .
