Buffalo, NY
Weather Forecast Office
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Images are BELOW the Forecast hour text.
Latest Model run:Nov 09, 12 UTC
Hourly Weather Graph
Graphical 2D
Great Lakes
Fire Weather
Tropical Weather
UltraViolet Index
Air Quality
Day 1 Outlook
Day 2 Outlook
Day 3 Outlook
National Briefing
National Warnings
Drought Monitor
Snowfall Rate Graphics
Enhanced Hazardous Weather Outlook
WNY Weather History
Buffalo Climate Graphs
Lake Effect Page
Drought Outlook
First Snowfall Facts
Winter Season Summaries
Rochester Climate Graphs
Model Data
Forecast Models
MOS Output
Hourly Mesoscale Analysis
Current Conditions
Lake Temperatures
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Buffalo, NY
587 Aero Drive
Cheektowaga, NY 14225
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