National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

A Major Storm System Impacting the Central and Eastern U.S.

A major high impact storm was ejecting out onto the Central U.S. bringing widespread hazards through midweek including damaging high winds, blizzard conditions, severe weather, critical fire weather concerns and the risk for some flash flooding. Severe thunderstorms and heavy rainfall will move across the eastern seaboard during Wednesday. Another potent storm will approach the west this week. Read More >

Public Information Statement
National Weather Service Buffalo NY
449 PM EDT Tue Jul 16 2024

...NWS Damage Survey for 7/15/24 Tornado and Downburst Wind Event...

.Tornado #1...

Rating:                 EF-0
Estimated Peak Wind:    75 mph
Path Length /statute/:  0.7 miles
Path Width /maximum/:   75 yards
Fatalities:             0
Injuries:               0

Start Date:             July 15, 2024
Start Time:             4:48 PM ET
Start Location:         City of Canandaigua, Ontario County, NY
Start Lat/Lon:          42.8781 / -77.2706

End Date:               July 15, 2024
End Time:               4:50 PM ET
End Location:           City of Canandaigua, Ontario County, NY
End Lat/Lon:            42.8782 / -77.2560

.Thunderstorm Wind #1...

Peak Wind Estimated:    95 mph
Path Length /statute/:  1.0 miles
Path Width /maximum/:   1000 yards
Fatalities:             0
Injuries:               0

Start Date:             July 15, 2024
Start Time:             4:47 PM ET
Start Location:         City of Canandaigua, Ontario County, NY
Start Lat/Lon:          42.8753 / -77.2678

End Date:               July 15, 2024
End Time:               4:51 PM ET
End Location:           City of Canandaigua, Ontario County, NY
End Lat/Lon:            42.8767 / -77.2506

A National Weather Service Storm Survey Team conducted a survey
of damage across a fairly wide swath in the southern portion of
the City of Canandaigua from July 15. Video evidence was also
used to supplement the data obtained from the survey team on

Evidence along the northern shore of Canandaigua Lake from
Kershaw Park through a development immediately east of the park
and into the Canandaigua Country Club demonstrated impressive
hardwood and tree damage. This included multiple instances of
trunks being snapped and trees being uprooted. Additionally,
several residences experienced damage to their shingles, siding,
and other aluminum fascia. Damage in this area was consistent
with straight line winds of approximately 95 mph.

A very small but discrete track of low-end damage extended along
a north-facing strip mall on the south side of Eastern Boulevard
and the south-facing side of several small commercial
establishments on the north side of Eastern Boulevard.
Additional tree and utility pole damage was noted along the road
until the damage was only noted in the higher portions of the
trees in front of the Canandaigua Town Center with no damage
noted farther to the east. While radar imagery is far less than
convincing in this area ahead of the apex of the incoming
straight line wind signature, damage in this area could only be
from a weak tornado that preceded the stronger straight
line wind gusts along the lake shore.

EF Scale: The Enhanced Fujita Scale classifies tornadoes into the
following categories:

EF0.....65 to 85 mph
EF1.....86 to 110 mph
EF2.....111 to 135 mph
EF3.....136 to 165 mph
EF4.....166 to 200 mph
EF5.....>200 mph

The information in this statement is preliminary and subject to
change pending final review of the events and publication in NWS
Storm Data.