National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Thunderstorms and Flash Flooding Possible in the Southeast; Critical Fire Weather Conditions in the Plains on Monday

Scattered showers and isolated strong/severe thunderstorms are expected across the Southeast through Monday with scattered instances of flash flooding possible across portions of southern Georgia and northern Florida. Dry and windy conditions may produce fire weather conditions across much of the Great Plains, especially in the Northern Plains where critical fire weather conditions are expected. Read More >

Public Information Statement...Corrected
National Weather Service Buffalo NY
820 PM EDT Wed Jul 10 2024

...NWS Damage Survey for 7/10/24 Tornado Event...

.Tornado #1 Chautauqua County...

Rating:                 EF-1
Estimated Peak Wind:    110 mph
Path Length /statute/:  3.0 miles
Path Width /maximum/:   150 yards
Fatalities:             0
Injuries:               0

Start Date:             July 10, 2024
Start Time:             12:06 PM ET
Start Location:         Town of Arkwright, Chautauqua County, NY
Start Lat/Lon:          42.4187 / -79.1955

End Date:               July 10, 2024
End Time:               12:14 PM ET
End Location:           Town of Hanover, Chautauqua County, NY
End Lat/Lon:            42.4474 / -79.1516

Initial minor roof damage and hardwood tree damage was noted along
Henry Road in the Town of Arkwright. Mostly tree damage continued
northeast from Henry Road with tree damage noted along Putnam Road
as well as increasing tree damage northeast from there across
Zahm Road and Bradigah Road. Substantial roofing damage was noted
to a home along Gage Road with a wider swath of tree damage as
well. As the storm moved northeast from there, the most damage
was noted along Prospect Road as multiple structures experienced
roof failure, wall blow out, and an entire grove of hardwood trees
was either uprooted or snapped off fully.

Many thanks are extended to the New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation Police for their assistance on scene as
well as the Chautauqua County Emergency Management Office.


EF Scale: The Enhanced Fujita Scale classifies tornadoes into the
following categories:

EF0.....65 to 85 mph
EF1.....86 to 110 mph
EF2.....111 to 135 mph
EF3.....136 to 165 mph
EF4.....166 to 200 mph
EF5.....>200 mph

The information in this statement is preliminary and subject to
change pending final review of the event and publication in NWS
Storm Data.