National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Widespread Snowfall Expected Across Northern New York

A Winter Weather Advisory is in effect through 7 PM Saturday. Snowfall accumulations between 2 to 5 inches are expected across the northern Adirondacks, with 1 to 4 inches elsewhere, which may lead some difficult travel conditions. Locally higher amounts are expected on the mountain summits. Winds could gust as high as 40 mph across northern New York. Read More >

Daily Climate Maps

Daily temperature and precipitation maps covering the past 24 hours from 7 A.M. to 7 A.M. EST/EDT. Snow depth is based on measurement at 7 A.M. of the day shown. Maps are generally updated around 10:30 A.M. each day. Ranked listings by state of the individual station reports is provided on our full climate maps page at
Max Temp Min Temp Precip Snowfall Snow Depth

Annual Climate Plots

Click on each graph for a larger version

the thumbnail image of the Burlington Climate Data

Burlington, VT

the thumbnail image of the Montpelier Climate Data



Montpelier, VT

the thumbnail image of the St Johnsbury Climate Data


St. Johnsbury, VT

the thumbnail image of the Burlington Climate Data


Plattsburgh, NY

the thumbnail image of the Montpelier Climate Data


Saranac Lake, NY

the thumbnail image of the St Johnsbury Climate Data


Massena, NY


Monthly Normals/Records

Select drop-down menu for other sites and months


Monthly Climate Maps

Monthly temperature and precipitation maps calculated using official NWS Cooperative Observer, CoCoRaHS and ASOS data. Maps are generally updated around the second week of the following month.
Precipitation Precipitation Departure from Normal Precipitation Percent of Normal
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Snowfall Snowfall Departure from Normal Snowfall Percent of Normal
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Temperature Departure from Normal


Seasonal Climate Maps

Seasonal temperature and precipitation maps calculated using official NWS Cooperative Observer, CoCoRaHS and ASOS data. Seasons are defined by 3 month periods (meteorological seasons): Winter (Dec-Feb), Spring (Mar-May), Summer (Jun-Aug), and Fall (Sep-Nov). Full winter snowfall maps are also provided and generally cover Nov-Apr. Maps are generally updated around the second week of the following season.
Precipitation Precipitation Departure from Normal Precipitation Percent of Normal
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Snowfall Snowfall Departure from Normal Snowfall Percent of Normal
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Temperature Departure from Normal
Temperature and precipitation outlooks for the 6-10 day and 8-14 day periods. Issued daily by the NOAA/NWS Climate Prediction Center. The outlooks express forecast probability that temperatures or total precipitation in the 6-10 or 8-14 day period will tend to be similar to the 10-highest ("above-normal"), middle-10 ("near-normal"), or 10-lowest ("below-normal") observed in the 1981-2010 normals period. Color shading on the outlook maps follows standard convention for warmer/colder or wetter/drier, with near-normal in white. Darker shades of red or blue (or green and brown) indicate a higher forecast probability.

6-10 Day Outlook

8-14 Day Outlook


One Month and Three-Month temperature and precipitation outlooks. The outlooks are issued by the Climate Prediction Center on the last day of each month (valid for the following month), with an update to the outlook on the third Thursday of the following month. The monthly and seasonal outlooks are similar to the 6-10 and 8-14 day outlooks. However, in areas where "Equal Chances" (EC) is shown, it means that climate signals do not favor either above- or below-normal, and above-, near-, or below-normal forecast categories are equally likely to occur. A forecast of Equal Chances does NOT necessarily mean forecast conditions are expected to be near-normal.

One Month Outlook

Three Month Outlook

Records and Normals
Select the climate site, then click on the date below
Burlington, VT Montpelier, VT St. Johnsbury, VT Massena, NY Plattsburgh, NY Saranac Lake, NY
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Select a site from this list to view data for an entire year:

Burlington, VT Top 10 Records

Temperatures Precipitation & Snowfall

Burlington, VT Extremes


Burlington, VT Climatology for Holidays and Other Significant Dates


Local Climatological Graphs

Lake Champlain level (in ft) and lake temperature (in degrees F) graphs. Observations taken from the King St. Ferry Dock in Burlington. Lake levels are broken out into monthly box-and-whisker charts, while the lake temperatures are broken out into box-and-whisker charts over a 10-day period. See graphs for interpretation of box-and-whisker charts.
Lake Champlain Level
Annual Mean & Extremes

Lake Champlain Level
Spring Mean & Extremes

Lake Champlain Temperature
Mean & Extremes

Maps of annual mean high, low and average temperature (in degrees F) as well as precipitation and snowfall (in inches) for the BTV CWA, New England, and the Northeast. Values are based on the 1991-2020 normals.
BTV Annual Mean
Max Temperature

BTV Annual Mean
Min Temperature

BTV Annual Mean

New England Annual Mean
Max Temperature

New England Annual Mean
Min Temperature

New England Annual Mean

Northeast Annual Mean
Max Temperature

Northeast Annual Mean
Min Temperature

Northeast Annual Mean

BTV Average Annual Precipitation
New England Average Annual Precipitation
Northeast Average Annual Precipitation
BTV Average Annual Snowfall
New England Average Annual Snowfall
Northeast Average Annual Snowfall


Other Local Climatology

NOWData (NOAA Online Weather Data) is a user interface available to access a variety of location-based climate information and records for NWS Burlington's area of responsibility.

Here are some step-by-step instructions for using NOWData:
  1. Location >>
    • Select a location by simply clicking on a location name in the list, or press the "View Map" button to bring up a map of locations.
    • NOTE: For Burlington, VT climate, it is recommended that users use the "Burlington Area" location, which includes climate records prior to 1940, when the official observation site was downtown.
  2. Product >>
    • Select one of nine available climate products using the radio buttons. A description of each product can be found in the yellow "Product Description" section.
  3. Options >>
    • Select from a host of options that will be available to you. Options will vary depending on which product you chose in Step 2.
    • For products which have a "Year Range:", typing in the phrase "por" for a starting range will return information across that location's period of record.
  4. View >>
    • Press the "Go" button, and a seperate window will pop open to view your specified climate product, location and options.