Binghamton, NY
Weather Forecast Office
The map below shows Forecast/County Warning Areas or CWA. Each CWA is color coded to show each National Weather Service Office's area of responsibility. This same CWA is also each office's forecast area. Some selections in the map will send you to a page with more information instead of displaying a text product.
To display text products, such as Area Forecast Discussions, etc, select a product from the pull down menu, then click on the map.
Most products that display will have the ability to view previous versions of the text product. Please make sure to look at the time and date in the product.
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Additional Text Links
Current Hazards
Fire Weather
Graphical Hazardous Weather Outlook
Local Outlook
River Flooding
Space Weather
Current Conditions
Air Quality
Local Storm Reports
Observation (list)
Observations (Map)
More Surface Observations
More Satellite
Upper Air
Local Enhanced Radar
Local Standard Radar (low bandwidth)
Regional/National Standard Radar (low bandwidth)
More Radar
Activity Planner
Fire Weather
Forecaster's Discussion
Hourly View
Map View
Model Data
NWS GIS Viewer
Space Weather
Text Products
Rivers and Lakes
River Observation/Forecasts (Map)
River Forecast Centers
County Flash Flood Guidance
Current Streamflow
Ensemble River Guidance
Flood Inundation Maps
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Binghamton, NY
32 Dawes Drive
Johnson City, NY 13790
(607) 729-1597
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.
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