National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Storm Total Precipitation

Storm Total Precipitation is the estimated accumulation since the precipitation began. The accumulation continues until there is no precipitation for one hour anywhere within the range of the radar. In this case the image below goes from 10:06 PM EDT (0206 UTC) July 2nd to 7:58 PM EDT (2358 UTC) July 3rd, 2011. A maximum value of 6.3 inches is shown near the Plymouth, PA area. More information about Storm Total Precipitation.

Storm Total Precipitation


Below is a radar loop of the event start from 11:01 PM (0301 UTC) July 02 to 07:56 PM (2356 UTC) July 03, 2011.

Pictures of some of the flooding that occurred in the area.
Some photos of the damage caused by the flash flooding in the Plymouth, PA area. The National Weather Service would like to take Melissa Bickley for allowing us to use her images on our web site. Click on the image for a larger view.
Rushing water on Coal Street, Plymouth, PA Looking down Coal Street, Plymouth, PA Fast moving water around cars and power poles on Coal Street, Plymouth, PA Rushing water on Coal Street, Plymouth, PA
Flash flooing on Coal Street, Plymouth, PA Flood at the intersection of Route 11 and Coal St., Plymouth, PA Damage road and homes, Coal St., Plymouth, PA Road surface damage on Coal St., Plymouth, PA
Water erosion Coal St., Plymouth, PA Water erosion Coal St., Plymouth, PA Water erosion Coal St., Plymouth, PA Cleaning up the mud on Ransom Street, Plymouth, PA