The National Weather Service Office in Binghamton offers both summer internship opportunities (unpaid), designed for college students. In addition, we offer job shadows, designed for those in either middle/high school or college. Paid opportunities also exist (national programs). Please read more below to see what is a best fit for you. If you have any questions, please contact our Student Volunteer Program Leader, Bryan Greenblatt at
There is a wide range of career avenues within our organization. These range from physical scientists, meteorologists, hydrologists, information technology, electronic maintenance, and administrative management. For more information and to read about those employed by the National Weather Service, go to
For more information on if a career in meteorology is right for you or for career videos and resources, go to
**The application period for the Summer 2025 Student Volunteer Program has closed. Please contact Bryan Greenblatt ( if you have any questions about our Student Volunteer program.**
The National Weather Service at Binghamton, NY Student Volunteer Program is designed for college students majoring in meteorology, atmospheric science, or hydrology. The volunteer is responsible for transportation to the office and other logistics, as this is an in-person program here at the National Weather Service office in Binghamton, NY. The program usually runs from mid to late May through August.
What to expect if you apply:
1. Your application materials will be evaluated by a team of meteorologists at the National Weather Service in Binghamton.
2. Several chosen applicants will move on to the interview stage, based on the quality of the application. This is where we want to get to know you better. Expect a panel of about five meteorologists asking approximately 5-10 total questions in a Google Meet format.
3. A student or two will then be selected from those interviewed. Those not selected will be promptly notified.
4. A background check is required to have computer access at our office. This will be in the spring since it takes several weeks for the background check to clear.
5. Once the background check is complete you will work with the program leader, Bryan Greenblatt, or designee on days that will be worked, start date etc. Student volunteers typically work around 16 to 24 hours per week, though that number is flexible.
High school and college students can visit us for a few hours, a half day or full day. A tour of the facility would be provided followed by interaction with forecasters at our office. Forecasters will demonstrate how a forecast is generated along with other daily duties. Also, a shadow will have the opportunity to discuss career paths and opportunities with a meteorologist. Read on for more details on possible job shadow opportunities:
1. Pre-college students interested in meteorology as a possible career: The student typically spends 1-2 hours with a WFO BGM meteorologist observing the forecast process, and discussing National Weather Service career opportunities.
2. College Freshmen and Sophomores enrolled in a university meteorology, atmospheric science, or hydrology program, or a student in any other math or science program who is considering meteorology/atmospheric science, or hydrology for future study: The student will typically spend 2-4 hours at NWS Binghamton, observing the full range of Weather Forecast Office (WFO) operations. The student will spend time with each of the duty staff members, observing them prepare and disseminate various forecast products. The student will also meet with members of the WFO BGM management team to further discuss future career and study options.
3. College Juniors, Seniors, and Graduate students enrolled in a university meteorology, atmospheric science, or hydrology program will have the opportunity to expand the job shadow up to 2 days at the Weather Forecast Office (WFO). The expanded time is intended to give the student a more comprehensive understanding of what it is like to work at a National Weather Service field office.
1. The Pathways Program
This program is designed to provide students enrolled in a wide variety of educational institutions, from high school to graduate level, with opportunities to work in agencies and explore Federal careers while still in school and while getting paid for the work performed. Students who successfully complete the program may be eligible for conversion to a permanent job in the civil service. Additional information about the Internship Program can be found here:
2. NOAA Ernest F. Hollings Scholarship Program
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ernest F. Hollings (Hollings) scholarship program is designed to:
Increase undergraduate training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, technology, and education and foster multidisciplinary training opportunities;
Increase public understanding and support for stewardship of the ocean and atmosphere and improve environmental literacy;
Recruit and prepare students for public service careers with NOAA and other natural resource and science agencies at the federal, state and local levels of government; and
Recruit and prepare students for careers as teachers and educators in oceanic and atmospheric science and to improve scientific and environmental education in the United States.
For more information, go to:
Also, a link to a video from NOAA Education on the Hollings program.
3. Other Student Opportunities In NOAA
The Student Opportunities website is designed to provide information about educational opportunities that are available throughout NOAA. Information on scholarships, internships and fellowships including a brief description of each program; application deadline; award amount; dates of opportunity; contact name, telephone number, and e-mail address; and website for the various opportunities are found on this site.
Read more about other National Weather Serivce student opportunities here!
For more information on student and full time employment within the National Weather Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), go to