National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

The page address is, 

The image below shows how to access the climate page, as well as other climate and past weather information. NOWData menu will appear first, then click on Observed Weather, shown in the green box.

Figure 1 for CF6.


This is the layout of the climate pages that National Weather Service offices have for their county warning areas.

Figure 2, main menu layout.

After clicking on Local from the front page, and displaying the Observed Weather page the user can find the following information;

  • Daily Climate Report (CLI) - daily climate data for Binghamton, NY, Syracuse, NY and Scranton, PA. Contains that day's highs, lows, heating/cooling degree day, records etc.
  • Preliminary Climatology Data (CF6) - Daily high, lows, average, heating/cooling, highest winds etc for the month selected.
  • Record Event Report (RER) - When a record occurs at Binghamton, NY, Syracuse, NY and Scranton, PA.
  • Monthly Weather Summary (CLM) - Monthly climate information.
  • Regional Summary (RTP) - Regional temperature and precipitation summary.
  • Seasonal Climate Report (CLS) - 3 month climate summary of temperatures, precipitation etc.
  • Quarterly Climate Report (CLQ) - Not issued by all offices. 
  • Annual Climate Report (CLA) - annual climate summary of temperatures, precipitation etc.
After selecting the product under the 1. Choose Product, then select the site under the 2. Choose a Location
Some of the products will display at the bottom of the page. The CLS, CLQ and CLA will jump to another page. With most of these text products, users will be able to view past versions.
The graphic below shows how to display the current Preliminary Climatology Data (CF6). 
Figure 3, CF6 display
  • Step 1. - Select Preliminary Climatology Data (CF6)
  • Step 2. - Select the location
Some other locations can be found on the NOWData page.
Additional Information can be found at,
Northeast Regional Climate Center
1123 Bradfield Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-1901
607-255-2106 (fax)


National Climatic Data Center
Federal Building
151 Patton Ave.
Asheville, NC 28801-5001
828-271-4876 (fax)