National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

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The text products in the window below are from the National Weather Service in Binghamton, NY. This page includes the following:

  • Regional Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table or RTP - This contains maximum, minimum and precipitation (rainfall) during the past 12 to 24 hours, 7 am EST/8 am EDT. It is issued twice a day, once in the morning and in the evening.
  • Daily Hydrometeorological Data Summary or HYD - This product has maximum, minimum and precipitation (rainfall), and during the winter snow depth. Some reports may be missing as these reports are from cooperative observers and automated observing stations.
  • CoCoRaHS Precipitation Summary or LCO - CoCoRaHS Precipitation Reports for the previous 24 hours ending around 7 AM Local Time.
  • Public Information Statement or PNS - This product is not issued daily. Only during significant events. Make sure to check the time and date on the PNS. This text product can be used to disseminate different types of information. It is mostly used to distribute snow and rain measurements, but it will sometimes contain other content such as extreme temperatures or wind gusts, storm surveys, NOAA Weather Radio outages, preparedness information, etc.


NOTE: These reports are considered supplemental and unofficial. These reports are for the NWS Binghamton Forecast/County warning area.

To see older reports try clicking on the Previous Version link. One can move back several versions by clicking on the series of numbers. To get back to the current version, click on the Current Version link.

Regional Max/Min Temperature and Precipitation Table

Daily Hydrometeorological Data Summary

CoCoRaHS Precipitation Summary

Public Information Statement

Some additional locations for recent rain/snow reports:

National Weather Service observing sites can be found on NOWData:

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