National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce


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Inside look at NWS careers in actionThe NWS employs over 4000 people across numerous offices and center, offering meteorologists interested in aviation forecasting a wide variety of careers. Each position provides a unique opportunity to engage in aviation forecasting with responsibilities varying from office to office.

The basic requirements for these positions are the same across the NWS, though each job announcement may be slightly tailored for specific fields.

  • The full list of educational and/or experience requirements for the federal meteorology job series can be found at:

  • Additional skills that will better position an aviation applicant include:
      - Background knowledge in thunderstorms, turbulence and
        icing forecasting
      - Knowledge of the National Airspace System
      - Proven ability to provide Decision Support Services through
        briefings with key partners

Further information on the NWS hiring process, including resume advice, employment and education documentation information, and tips can be found at:

Curious what life is really like as an NWS meteorologist? Interviews with current and former meteorologists across the agency can be found in the “Faces of the NWS” section at
Look for the names below for insight on what it’s like to work in the NWS’s aviation programs:

  • Kyle Struckmann - MIC National Aviation Meteorologist

  • Hilary Clarin - Aviation Meteorologist at the Fort Worth Center Weather Service Unit

  • Melissa DiSpigna - Eastern Region Headquarters Regional Aviation Meteorologist

  • Additional interviews from CWSU meteorologists are available on the CWSU page under the tab "CWSU Personnel Spotlight".


NOAA Pathways Logo There are also opportunities for high school and college students to gain valuable experience before graduating. To find out more information, please visit the Student Employment Opportunities area on the careers page at
Federal Government Shaping America's Future To see what positions are currently available, please visit and type in the keyword 'NOAA National Weather Service'.
NOAA Corps Symbol If you are interested in flying for NOAA, you can find more information at