Severe thunderstorms containing large hail, damaging winds, tornadoes and frequent lightning with heavy rainfall will spread from the Mississippi, Ohio, Tennessee Valleys today then to the East Coast on Monday. Meanwhile, a significant ice storm continues across parts of the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes and Upstate New York and northern New England. For the Southwest, critical fire conditions. Read More >
The Twenty-second Northeast Regional Operational Workshop (NROW) will be held Tuesday 9 November and Wednesday 10 November 2021 as a virtual workshop via GoToMeeting. The workshop will be co-sponsored by the National Weather Service Office at Albany, New York, and the Department of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences (DAES), University at Albany. The American Meteorological Society is a cooperating organization.
Papers are welcome on all aspects of Northeast United States and Southeast Canadian operational weather forecasting and should focus on the topics listed. Sessions will focus on Northeast coastal storms, terrain effects, heavy precipitation forecasting, hydrology, Northeast severe storms, lake effect, use of high-resolution model data, mesoscale modeling, decision support techniques, enhancement of the digital forecast process, CSTAR funded research, social science in weather prediction and the integration of new technology into operations. Number of presentations will be limited to 40. Due to the virtual format, no poster presentations will occur this year. Presenters should submit a one page abstract in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman 12 point font. The Steering Committee reserves the right to decline abstracts that do not address conference foci.
No registration fee will be charged, however registration is mandatory online at the conference website. Registration will open around 2 August 2021, and must be completed by 9 am EDT, Wednesday 27 October 2021. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 4 pm EDT, Friday 15 October 2021. Abstracts should be submitted electronically as email attachments to Questions should be sent to NROW Steering Committee, c/o Brian J. Frugis, via e-mail to An abstracts book will only be available online, and should be posted at the conference webpage no later than 5 November 2021. For conference information, online registration, and general information refer to Internet address: