Each social media post has two image options: a static .PNG file, and an animated .MP4 version. NWS encourages the use of the animated .MP4 version for social media posts, as they result in higher engagement numbers.
Facebook (Preparedness): Ice storms can be dangerous and life-threatening. Build your emergency supply kit before the storm strikes. Check out ready.gov/kit #WinterSafety
Twitter (Preparedness): Ice storms can be life-threatening. Build your emergency supply kit before the storm strikes. Check out ready.gov/kit #WinterSafety
Facebook (Take Action): If it’s icy outside, STAY INSIDE, don’t slip and slide! Check out more tips on how to weather the storm at weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Twitter (Take Action): If it’s icy outside, STAY INSIDE, don’t slip & slide! See more tips on how to weather the storm at weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Facebook (Preparedness): Nor’easters impact millions of people in the eastern U.S. with heavy snow and strong winds. What will you do if one approaching your region? weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Twitter (Preparedness): Nor’easters impact millions in the eastern U.S. with heavy #snow and strong winds. Are you prepared? weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Facebook (Take Action):
Q: How do I respond to a Nor’easter?
Check out more tips for weathering the storm at weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Twitter(Take Action): STAY INSIDE, don’t slip and slide! Check out more tips on how to weather the storm at weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Facebook (Preparedness): Cold weather can be life-threatening. If you can’t avoid being outside, remember to follow these 3 steps and tell someone where you’re going. weather.gov/cold #WinterSafety
Facebook (Take Action): If you can’t avoid being outside, remember to follow these 3 steps and tell someone where you’re going. weather.gov/cold #WinterSafety
Twitter (Preparedness): Cold weather is life-threatening, so follow these 3 steps and tell someone where you’re going. weather.gov/cold #WinterSafety
Twitter(Take Action): If you can’t avoid being outside, follow these 3 steps and tell someone where you are going. weather.gov/cold #WinterSafety
Facebook: You love your pets, so keep them warm, dry, and well-fed this winter. weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Twitter: Your pets want to be warm, dry, and well-fed during the cold too! weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Facebook: Slippery sidewalks and roads aren’t the only thing to look out for this winter. Shoveling snow can be a health risk as well. Remember to stay hydrated, take frequent breaks, and only move small amounts with each shovel pass. Learn more at weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Twitter: Shoveling snow can be a health risk, so remember to take it easy. Learn more at weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Facebook: Winter driving can be hazardous. One simple way to keep yourself and everyone on the road safe is to slow down. Remember, “Ice and snow, take it slow”. Learn more at weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Twitter: Do your part to keep everyone safe on the roads this winter. Learn more at weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Facebook: Before you hit the slopes, make sure check out https://www.avalanche.org/ for current and forecast snow conditions. You can also find avalanche safety tips at weather.gov/avalanche #WinterSafety
Twitter: Check out avalanche safety tips before you hit the slopes at weather.gov/avalanche #WinterSafety
Facebook: Bundling up in layers and staying dry is one of the best things you can do to stay safe this winter. Protect yourself from the cold this winter. weather.gov/cold #WinterSafety
Twitter: Bundling up in layers and staying dry is one of the best things you can do to stay safe this winter. weather.gov/cold #WinterSafety
Facebook: Cold weather is right around the corner. If you notice someone with warning signs of hypothermia, get them to a warm place right away. Protect yourself from the cold this winter at weather.gov/cold #WinterSafety
Twitter: Do you know the signs of hypothermia? weather.gov/cold #WinterSafety
Facebook: Protect your workers and your business when hazardous weather occurs this winter. OSHA’s Preparedness & Response materials can get you started: https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/emergencypreparedness/gettingstarted.html
Twitter: Protect your workers and your business this winter. https://www.osha.gov/SLTC/emergencypreparedness/gettingstarted.html @OSHA_DOL
Facebook: Black ice is difficult to see and makes roads very slippery, especially bridges and overpasses. Please drive slowly. weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety
Twitter: Black ice is difficult to see and makes roads very slippery, especially bridges and overpasses. weather.gov/winter #WinterSafety