Southern Region Headquarters
Regional Headquarters
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Product Description | Product Description |
Click each image above to view the full-size image. |
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Product Description | Product Description |
Click each image above to view the full-size image. |
Special Tropical Weather Outlook NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL 915 AM EDT Tue Mar 18 2025 For the North Atlantic...Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of America: Tropical cyclone formation is not expected during the next 7 days. Routine issuance of the Tropical Weather Outlook will resume on May 15, 2025. During the off-season, Special Tropical Weather Outlooks will be issued as conditions warrant. $$ Forecaster Hagen
Tropical Weather Outlook NWS National Hurricane Center Miami FL 1000 PM PST Sat Nov 30 2024 For the eastern North Pacific...east of 140 degrees west longitude: Tropical cyclone formation is not expected during the next 7 days. This is the last regularly scheduled Tropical Weather Outlook of the 2024 eastern North Pacific Hurricane Season. Routine issuance of the Tropical Weather Outlook will resume on May 15, 2025. During the off-season, Special Tropical Weather Outlooks will be issued as conditions warrant. $$ Forecaster Beven
Coastal Flood Statement |
Storm Surge Watch |
Storm Surge Warning |
Storm Surge Watches and Warnings are not issued for southern California. Please refer to Coastal Flood Watches/Warnings (if any are in effect).
A storm surge watch is defined as the possibility of life-threatening inundation from a tropical cyclone, generally within 48 hours. |
A storm surge warning is defined as the danger of life-threatening inundation from a tropical cyclone, generally within 36 hours. |
What are the Hurricane Threats and Impacts (HTI) Graphics?
HTI graphics are issued by local Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) when tropical cyclone (i.e. hurricane or tropical storm) wind watches and warnings, and/or storm surge watches and warnings, are in effect for at least part of their land area of responsibility. Once available, they are updated by respective WFOs with each new forecast issued by the National Hurricane Center (NHC) or Central Pacific Hurricane Center (CPHC) and maintained until the threats of these hazards have locally passed. Any departure in the forecast from the actual track, size, or intensity of a hurricane can dramatically change its impacts. Through the implicit use of probability data, color-coded HTI graphics depict the potential conditions to protect against with accompanying descriptions of potential impacts needed for effective preparations. The HTI graphics account for the latest forecast at specific locations while also including a reasonable safety margin to account for any forecast errors.
What hazards are described by the HTI Graphics?
Tropical wind, storm surge, flooding rain, and tornadoes are the hazards addressed within the HTI graphics suite. Figure 1 (below) offers an example of each hazard-based HTI graphic with the NHC Cone Graphic superimposed (from Hurricane Irma, 2017). Since the Cone Graphic only reveals the most probable track of the center of the storm, it provides little to no information about projected impacts. The HTI graphics, however, show the geographic extent of associated hazards; their level of threat and potential impacts. Impacts often extend well-beyond the area depicted in the Cone Graphic alone. The HTI color-scale corresponds to increasing levels of threat and is graduated from warm to hot colors.
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Figure 1. Example of HTI Graphics for the tropical wind, storm surge, flooding rain, and tornado hazards (left to right) from Hurricane Irma (2017). |
Examining the wind graphic (above; left), locations colored in purple have the potential to experience winds greater than 110 mph when accounting for both the forecast and forecast error. It is not a mere depiction of forecast conditions to be expected. Rather, it indicates that these locations should be ready for winds in excess of 110 mph, when taking into account the latest forecast and knowing that (although skilled) the forecast isn't perfect. Simply put, locations in purple are being threatened by major hurricane force winds greater than 110 mph (at least Category 3 force), locations in red are being threatened by hurricane force winds between 74-110 mph (Category 1 or 2 force), and so on. A similar approach is used for depicting each of the remaining hazards. HTI is designed to help make preparedness actions more effective. For additional information about hurricane preparedness, please see and always follow the recommended actions of local officials during an event.
How do I access the HTI Graphics webpage when my area is threatened?
The HTI Graphics suite can be accessed using the following web portal:
It can also be accessed from most coastal WFO websites via by clicking on a region of interest. The links will be made readily accessible from most WFO front pages during active hurricane or tropical storm events.
When you reach this portal, you will see the following tabs across the top of the page:
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Figure 2. A screenshot of the tabs available at the top of the tropical web portal when tropical cyclone wind or storm surge watches and/or warning are in effect. |
Click on the Threats and Impacts tab to display HTI information similar to what is shown below on the left side of Figure 3. By default, the wind hazard is initially displayed, but users can quickly select any of the radio buttons just above the graphic to retrieve information on other hazards of interest.
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Figure 3. A breakdown of the graphical information provided on the tropical web portal when tropical cyclone wind or storm surge watches and/or warnings are in effect. |
(Reload page for latest information!)
Map of Coastal Threats and Potential Impacts - What's This? | Latest Forecast - What's This? |
Click on the map on the left for the forecast and impact information. |
[Download KML] | |
Select a National Weather Service Office | Select a Local Product |
GOES-East | Tropical Atlantic | Gulf of America | Caribbean | U.S. Atlantic Coast | Puerto Rico | |
Visible | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
Infrared | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
Water Vapor | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
GOES-East and Meteosat | Mesoscale Sectors | Southern Plains | Southern Mississippi Valley | Southeast U.S. | East Atlantic | |
Visible | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
Infrared | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
Water Vapor | Sector 1 | Sector 2 | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
GOES-West | Tropical Pacific | Northern Pacific | U.S. West Coast | Pacific Southwest | Hawaii | |
Visible | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
Infrared | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
Water Vapor | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
GOES-West | Tropical Pacific | Northern Pacific | U.S. West Coast | Pacific Southwest | Hawaii | |
Visible | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
Infrared | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | |
Water Vapor | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop | Image | Loop |
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Hurricane Safety Fact Sheet | Red Cross Hurricane Checklist | Hurricane Basics | Tropical Cyclone Flooding |
Storm Surge | Getting Ready For Hurricanes | When the Waves Swell |
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Fuel for the Storm | Hurricane Survival | Storm Surge | Hurricane Hunters |
2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 |
Andrea (AN-dree uh) | Arthur (AR-thur) | Ana (AH-nah) | Alex (AL-leks) | Arlene (ar-LEEN) |
Barry (BAIR-ree) | Bertha (BUR-thuh) | Bill (bill) | Bonnie (BAH-nee) | Bret (bret) |
Chantal(shahn-TAHL) | Cristobal (krees-TOH-bahl) | Claudette (klaw-DET) | Colin (KAH-lihn) | Cindy (SIN-dee) |
Dexter (DEHK-ster) | Dolly (DAH-lee) | Danny (DAN-ee) | Danielle (dan-YELL) | Don (dahn) |
Erin (AIR-rin) | Edouard (eh-DWARD) | Elsa (EL-suh) | Earl (URR-ull) | Emily (EH-mih-lee) |
Fernand (fair-NAHN) | Fay (fay) | Fred (frehd) | Farrah (FAIR-uh) | Franklin (FRANK-lin) |
Gabrielle (ga-bree-ELL) | Gonzalo (gohn- SAH-loh) | Grace (grayss) | Gaston (gas-TAWN) | Gert (gert) |
Humberto (oom-BAIR-toh) | Hanna (HAN-uh) | Henri (ahn-REE) | Hermine (her-MEEN) | Harold (HAIR-uld) |
Imelda (ee-MEHL-dah) | Isaias (ees-ah-EE-ahs) | Imani (ee-MAH-nee) | Idris (IH-driss) | Idalia (ee-DAL-ya) |
Jerry (JEHR-ee) | Josephine (JOH-seh-feen) | Julian (JOO-lee-uhn) | Julia (JOO-lee-uh) | Jose (ho-ZAY) |
Karen (KAIR-ren) | Kyle (KY-ull) | Kate (kayt) | Karl (KAR-ull) | Katia (KAH-tyah) |
Lorenzo (loh-REN-zoh) | Leah (LEE-ah) | Larry (LAIR-ree) | Lisa (LEE-suh) | Lee (lee) |
Melissa (meh-LIH-suh) | Marco (MAR-koe) | Mindy (MIN-dee) | Martin (MAR-tin) | Margot (MAR-go) |
Nestor (NES-tor) | Nana (NA-na) | Nicholas (NIH-kuh-luss) | Nicole (nih-KOHL) | Nigel (NY-juhl) |
Olga (OAL-guh) | Omar (OH-mar) | Odette (oh-DEHT) | Owen (OH-uhn) | Ophelia (o-FEEL-ya) |
Pablo (PAHB-lo) | Paulette (pawl-LET) | Peter (PEE-tur) | Paula (PAHL-luh) | Philippe (fee-LEEP) |
Rebekah (reh-BEH-kuh) | Rene (re-NAY) | Rose (rohz) | Richard (RIH-churd) | Rina (REE-nuh) |
Sebastien (sus-BASH-chuhn) | Sally (SAL-ee) | Sam (sam) | Shary (SHAHR-ee) | Sean (shawn) |
Tanya (TAHN-yuh) | Teddy (TEHD-ee) | Teresa (tuh-REE-suh) | Tobias (toh-BEE-uss) | Tammy (TAM-ee) |
Van (van) | Vicky (VIH-kee) | Victor (VIK-tur) | Virginie (vir-JIN-ee) | Vince (vinss) |
Wendy (WEN-dee) | Wilfred (WILL-fred) | Wanda (WAHN-duh) | Walter (WALL-tur) | Whitney (WHIT-nee) |
2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 |
Alvin (AL-vin) | Amanda (uh-MAN-duh) | Andres (ahn-DRASE) | Agatha (A-guh-thuh) | Adrian (AY-dree-uhn) |
Barbara (BAR-bruh) | Boris (bor-EES) | Blanca (BLAHN-kah) | Blas (blahs) | Beatriz (BEE-a-triz) |
Cosme (COS-may) | Cristina (kris-TEE-nuh) | Carlos (KAR-loess) | Celia (SEEL-yuh) | Calvin (KAL-vin) |
Dalila (dah-LY-lah) | Douglas (DUG-luss) | Dolores (deh-LOOR-ess) | Darby (DAR-bee) | Debora (DEH-bruh) |
Erick (EHR-ik) | Elida (ELL-ee-dah) | Enrique (ahn-REE-kay) | Estelle (eh-STELL) | Eugene (YOU-jeen) |
Flossie (FLOSS-ee) | Fausto (FOW-sto) | Felicia (fa-LEE-sha) | Frank (frank) | Fernanda (fer-NAN-dah) |
Gil (gill) | Genevieve (jeh-nuh-VEEV) | Guillermo (gee-YER-mo) | Georgette (jor-JET) | Greg (greg) |
Henriette (hen-ree-ETT) | Hernan (her-NAHN) | Hilda (HILL-duh) | Howard (HOW-urd) | Hilary (HIH-luh-ree) |
Ivo (eye-VOH) | Iselle (ee-SELL) | Ignacio (eeg-NAH-see-oh) | Ivette (ee-VET) | Irwin (UR-win) |
Juliette (jew-lee-EHT) | Julio (HOO-lee-o) | Jimena (he-MAY-na) | Javier (hahv-YAIR) | Jova (HO-vah) |
Kiko (KEE-ko) | Karina (kuh-REE-nuh) | Kevin (KEH-vin) | Kay (kay) | Kenneth (KEH-neth) |
Lorena (low-RAY-na) | Lowell (LO-uhl) | Linda (LIHN-duh) | Lester (LESS-tur) | Lidia (LIH-dyah) |
Mario (MAR-ee-o) | Marie (muh-REE) | Marty (MAR-tee) | Madeline (MAD-eh-luhn) | Max (maks) |
Narda (NAHR-duh) | Norbert (NOR-bert) | Nora (NOOR-ruh) | Newton (NOO-tuhn) | Norma (NOOR-muh) |
Octave (AHK-tayv) | Odalys (oh-DAL-ess) | Olaf (OH-lahf) | Orlene (or-LEEN) | Otilio (Oh-TEE-lee-oh) |
Priscilla (prih-SIH-luh) | Polo (POH-loh) | Pamela (PAM-eh-luh) | Paine (payne) | Pilar (Pee-LAHR) |
Raymond (RAY-mund) | Rachel (RAY-chull) | Rick (rik) | Roslyn (RAWZ-luhn) | Ramon (rah-MOHN) |
Sonia (SOHN-yah) | Simon (SY-muhn) | Sandra (SAN-druh) | Seymour (SEE-mor) | Selma (SELL-mah) |
Tico (TEE-koh) | Trudy (TROO-dee) | Terry (TAIR-ree) | Tina (TEE-nuh) | Todd (tahd) |
Velma (VELL-muh) | Vance (vanss) | Vivian (VIH-vee-uhn) | Virgil (VUR-jill) | Veronica (vur-RAHN-ih-kuh) |
Wallis (WAHL-lis) | Winnie (WIN-ee) | Waldo (WAHL-doh) | Winifred (WIN-ih-fred) | Wiley (WY-lee) |
Xina (ZEE-nah) | Xavier (ZAY-vee-ur) | Xina (ZEE-nah) | Xavier (ZAY-vee-ur) | Xina (ZEE-nah) |
York (york) | Yolanda (yo-LAHN-da) | York (york) | Yolanda (yo-LAHN-da) | York (york) |
Zelda (ZEL-dah) | Zeke (zeek) | Zelda (ZEL dah) | Zeke (zeek) | Zelda (ZEL-dah) |
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Southern Region Headquarters
819 Taylor Street, Room 10A06
Fort Worth, TX 76102
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