Blacksburg, VA
Weather Forecast Office
Download these classes in KML format.
SKYWARNTM Training is Also Available Online!
If you can't attend one of our classes in person, official SKYWARNTM training is available online through the COMET program. COMET is a cooperative program between the National Weather Service and the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).
Anyone who completes this online course, passes the associated quiz with a score of 70% or better, and watches a video provided by the National Weather Service in Blacksburg will become an offically trained SKYWARNTM spotter.
Please click here to procede to the training.
Please click here for the NWS Blacksburg video.
When you have completed the training, passed the test with 70% or better, and watched the video, please email our Warning Coordination Meteorologist and let him know. Also, in your email, in addition to a small note stating you completed the training and video, please include the following:
1. Your 911 mailing address or your latitude/longitude to the nearest 4th decimal place
2. Your phone number
3. Any time restrictions of when you would NOT want to be called by our meteorologists
4. Whether or not you have any weather equipment and the type of equipment
5. An attachment of the certificate you earned after completing the online class
Current Hazards
Severe Weather
Winter Weather
Local Storm Reports
Drought Conditions
Current Conditions
Air Quality
Observations List
Observations Map
Upper Air Soundings
Bufkit Data
Fire Weather
Spot Forecasts
Air Quality Forecast
National Graphical Forecast
Aviation Forecasts
River Observations (Map)
River Forecasts (Map)
Current and Past Streamflow
Excessive Rainfall Outlooks
Experimental Long-Range Flood Risk
Climate/Past Weather
Climate Information
Precipitation Estimate (Click Enabled)
Snow and Ice Information (Click Snow and Ice)
Past Events
Weather Extremes / Top 10s
Citizens Weather Observing Program (CWOP)
Tropical Cyclone Reports
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Blacksburg, VA
1750 Forecast Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24060
Comments? Questions? Please Contact Us.