Charleston, WV
Weather Forecast Office
The above image shows the date on or after which the last 32 degree temperature will occur in 10 percent of the years. This would represent an unusually late start to the growing season. The dates range from mid to late June in Tucker County, to late May and early June across much of the northern mountains and the panhandles. The dates fall from early to mid May across the rest of the Charleston forecast area.
The above image shows the date on or after which the last 32 degree temperature will occur in 50 percent of the years. In other words, this map represents the average date of the start of the growing season. This date ranges from late May in the extreme northern West Virginia mountain counties, to early and mid May across the rest of eastern and north central West Virginia. The last freezing temperature usually occurs by late April across southwest West Virginia, southeast Ohio, and extreme southwest Virginia.
The above image shows the date on or after which which the last 32 degree temperature will occur in 90 percent of the years. In other words, the last freezing temperature almost always occurs on or after these dates. The dates range from early to mid May in the extreme northern mountain area of West Virginia, to late April across the rest of eastern and extreme northern West Virginia, as well as the northern panhandle. The first freezing temperature almost always after mid April across the rest of the Charleston forecast area.
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US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Charleston, WV
1754 Hendrickson Drive
South Charleston, WV 25303
(304) 356-5885
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