National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Heavy Snow and Strong Winds Across the North-Central U.S.; Heavy Rain and Flash Flooding in American Samoa and Puerto Rico

Areas of moderate to heavy snow and gusty to high winds are expected across the Northern Plains, Upper Midwest and Great Lakes into Friday. Several inches of snow accumulation is expected. Heavy rain will bring an isolated flash flood threat to Puerto Rico and flash flooding along with mudslides to American Samoa today. Read More >

 North Carolina Weather Roundup as of 1200 PM EST THU DEC 19 2024
Location Sky & Wx Tmp
Asheville, NCPTSUNNY463668N730.20F
Jefferson, NCFAIR383276CALM30.19F
Boone, NCFAIR413475NW330.01F
Hickory, NCPTSUNNY513758NE830.22F
Greensboro, NCCLOUDY473460NE1430.23F
Winston-Salem, NCCLOUDY483458NE930.25F
Charlotte, NCPTSUNNY533652NE1030.22F
Raleigh-Durham, NCPTSUNNY523961NE1230.23F
Burlington, NCCLOUDY493661N10G1830.24F
Fayetteville, NCCLOUDY534163NE13G2130.21R
Fort Liberty, NCCLOUDY554263NE1330.19F
Laurinburg, NCCLOUDY554774NE1030.20S
Goldsboro, NCMOSUNNY554159E13G2030.20S
Rocky Mount-Wilson, NCFAIR523450N1530.26S
Lumberton, NCCLOUDY554774NE1330.18F
Elizabeth City, NCFAIR513758NE1730.24F
Cape Hatteras, NCCLOUDY534779N10G2230.20F
Wilmington, NCCLOUDY535089NE13G2330.18RFOG