National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Winter Hazards Across the North; Heavy Rainfall Across the Gulf Coast; Severe Weather Outlook

Moisture across the northern Plains, upper Great Lakes into northern New England will likely bring a period of snow, sleet and freezing rain through this weekend. Meanwhile, heavy rainfall continues along the Gulf Coast with areas of flooding. Fire weather conditions continue for the areas of the Plains, southern Appalachians into portions of Florida. Severe thunderstorm potential increasing. Read More >


Frequently used contractions in

National Weather Service Products


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


* A

* ABNDT - Abundant

* ABNML - Abnormal

* ABT - About

* ABV - Above

* AC - Convective Outlook

* ACCAS - Altocumulus Castellanus

* ACCUM - Accumulate

* ACFT - Aircraft

* ACLT - Accelerate

* ACLTD - Accelerated

* ACLTG - Accelerating

* ACLTS - Accelerates

* ACPY - Accompany

* ACRS - Across

* ACSL - Altocumulus Standing Lenticularus

* ACTV - Active

* ACTVTY - Activity

* ACYC - Anticyclone

* ADJ - Adjacent

* ADL - Additional

* ADQT - Adequate

* ADQTLY - Adequately

* ADRNDCK - Adirondack

* ADVCT - Advect

* ADVCTD - Advected

* ADVCTG - Advecting

* ADVCTN - Advection

* ADVCTS - Advects

* ADVN - Advance

* ADVNG - Advancing

* ADVY - Advisory

* ADVYS - Advisories

* AFCT - Affect

* AFCTD - Affected

* AFCTG - Affecting

* AFDK - After dark

* AFOS - Automated Field Operations System

* AFT - After

* AFTN - Afternoon

* AGL - Above ground level

* AGN - Again

* AGRD - Agreed

* AGRS - Agrees

* AGRMT - Agreement

* AHD - Ahead

* AK - Alaska

* AL - Alabama

* ALF - Aloft

* ALG - Along

* ALGHNY - Allegheny

* ALQDS - All quadrants

* ALSTG - Altimeter setting

* ALTA - Alberta

* ALTHO - Although

* ALTM - Altimeter

* ALUTN - Aleutian

* AMD - Amend

* AMDD - Amended

* AMDG - Amending

* AMDT - Amendment

* AMP - Amplify

* AMPG - Amplifying

* AMPLTD - Amplitude

* AMS - Air mass

* AMT - Amount

* ANLYS - Analysis

* ANS - Answer

* AOA - At or above

* AOB - At or below

* AP - Anomolous Propagation

* APCH - Approach

* APCHG - Approaching

* APCHS - Approaches

* APLCN - Appalachian

* APLCNS - Appalachians

* APPR - Appear

* APPRG - Appearing

* APPRS - Appears

* APRNT - Apparent

* APRNTLY - Apparently

* APRX - Approximate

* APRXLY - Approximately

* AR - Arkansas

* ARND - Around

* ARPT - Airport

* ASAP - As soon as possible

* ASL - Above Sea Level

* ASMD - As amended

* ASSOCD - Associated

* ASSOCN - Association

* ATLC - Atlantic

* ATTM - At this time

* ATTN - Attention

* AVBL - Available

* AVG - Average

* AVN - Aviation Model

* AWT - Awaiting

* AZ - Arizona

* AZM - Azimuth

* B

* BACLIN - Baroclinic

* BAJA - Baja California

* BATROP - Barotropic

* BC - British Columbia

* BCH - Beach

* BCKG - Backing

* BCM - Become

* BCMG - Becoming

* BCMS - Becomes

* BD - Blowing dust

* BDA - Bermuda

* BDRY - Boundary

* BFDK - Before dark

* BFR - Before

* BGN - Begin

* BGNG - Beginning

* BGNS - Begins

* BHND - Behind

* BINOVC - Breaks in overcast

* BKN - Broken

* BLD - Build

* BLDG - Building

* BLDS - Builds

* BLDUP - Buildup

* BLKHLS - Black Hills

* BLKT - Blanket

* BLKTG - Blanketing

* BLKTS - Blankets

* BLO - Below

* BLZD - Blizzard

* BN - Blowing sand

* BND - Bound

* BNDRY - Boundary

* BNDRYS - Boundaries

* BNTH - Beneath

* BOOTHEEL - Bootheel

* BR - Branch

* BRG - Branching

* BRS - Branches

* BRF - Brief

* BRK - Break

* BRKG - Breaking

* BRKHIC - Breaks in higher clouds

* BRKS - Breaks

* BRKSHR - Berkshire

* BRKSHRS - Berkshires

* BRM - Barometer

* BS - Blowing snow

* BTWN - Between

* BYD - Beyond

* C

* C - Celsius

* CA - California

* CAA - Cold Air Advection

* CARIB - Caribbean

* CASCDS - Cascades

* CAVOK - Ceiling and visibility OK

* CAVU - Ceiling and visibility unlimited

* CB - Cumulonimbus

* CBS - Cumulonimbi

* CC - Cirrocumulus

* CCLDS - Clear of clouds

* CCLKWS - Counter-clockwise

* CCSL - Standing lenticular cirrocumulus

* CDFNT - Cold front

* CDFNTL - Cold frontal

* CFP - Cold front passage

* CG - Cloud-to-ground

* CHC - Chance

* CHCS - Chances

* CHG - Change

* CHGD - Changed

* CHGG - Changing

* CHGS - Changes

* CHSPK - Chesepeake

* CI - Cirrus

* CIG - Ceiling

* CIGS - Ceilings

* CLD - Cloud

* CLDNS - Cloudiness

* CLDS - Clouds

* CLKWS - Clockwise

* CLR - Clear

* CLRG - Clearing

* CLRS - Clears

* CMPLX - Complex

��CNCL - Cancel

* CNCLD - Cancelled

* CNCLG - Cancelling

* CNCLS - Cancels

* CNDN - Canadian

* CNTR - Center

* CNTRD - Centered

* CNTRLN - Centerline

* CNTRS - Centers

* CNTRL - Central

* CNTY - County

* CNTYS - Counties

* CNVG - Converge

* CNVGG - Converging

* CNVGNC - Convergence

* CNVTN - Convection

* CNVTV - Convective

* CNVTVLY - Convectively

* CNFDC - Confidence

* CO - Colorado

* COMPAR - Compare

* COMPARG - Comparing

* COMPARD - Compared

* COMPARS - Compares

* COND - Conditions

* CONT - Continue

* CONTD - Continued

* CONTLY - Continually

* CONTG - Continuing

* CONTRAILS - Condensation Trails

* CONTS - Continues

* CONTDVD - Continental Divide

* CONUS - Continental U.S.

* COORD - Coordinate

* COR - Correction

* CPBL - Capable

* CRC - Circle

* CRCLC - Circulate

* CRCLN - Circulation

* CRNR - Corner

* CRNRS - Corners

* CRS - Course

* CS - Cirrostratus

* CSDR - Consider

* CSDRBL - Considerable

* CST - Coast

* CSTL - Coastal

* CT - Connecticut

* CTGY - Category

* CTSKLS - Catskills

* CU - Cumulus

* CUFRA - Cumulus Fractus

* CVR - Cover

* CVRD - Covered

* CVRG - Covering

* CVRS - Covers

* CYC - Cyclonic

* CYCLGN - Cyclogenesis

* D

* DABRK - Daybreak

* DALGT - Day light

* DBL - Double

* DC - District of Columbia

* DCR - Decrease

* DCRD - Decreased

* DCRG - Decreasing

* DCRGLY - Decreasingly

* DCRS - Decreases

* DE - Delaware

* DEG - Degree

* DEGS - Degrees

* DELMARVA - Delaware-Maryland-Virginia

* DFCLT - Difficult

* DFCLTY - Difficulty

* DFNT - Definite

* DFNTLY - Definitely

* DFRS - Differs

* DFUS - Diffuse

* DGNL - Diagonal

* DGNLLY - Diagonally

* DIGG - Digging

* DIR - Direction

* DISC - Discontinue

* DISCD - Discontinued

* DISCG - Discontinuing

* DISRE - Disregard

* DISRED - Disregarded

* DISREG - Disregarding

* DKTS - Dakotas

* DLA - Delay

* DLAD - Delayed

* DLT - Delete

* DLTD - Deleted

* DLTG - Deleting

* DLY - Daily

* DMG - Damage

* DMGD - Damaged

* DMGG - Damaging

* DMNT - Dominant

* DMSH - Diminish

* DMSHD - Diminished

* DMSHG - Diminishing

* DMSHS - Diminishes

* DNDFTS - Downdrafts

* DNS - Dense

* DNSLP - Downslope

* DNSTRM - Downstream

* DNWND - Down wind

* DP - Deep

* DPND - Deepened

* DPNS - Deepens

* DPR - Deeper

* DPNG - Deepening

* DPTH - Depth

* DRFT - Drift

* DRFTD - Drifted

* DRFTG - Drifting

* DRFTS - Drifts

* DRZL - Drizzle

* DSCNT - Descent

* DSIPT - Dissipate

* DSIPTD - Dissipated

* DSIPTG - Dissipating

* DSIPTN - Dissipation

* DSIPTS - Dissipates

* DSND - Descend

* DSNDG - Descending

* DSNDS - Descends

* DSNT - Distant

* DSTBLZ - Destabilize

* DSTBLZD - Destabilized

* DSTBLZG - Destablizing

* DSTBLZS - Destablizes

* DSTBLZN - Destablization

* DSTC - Distance

* DTRT - Deteriorate

* DTRTD - Deteriorated

* DTRTG - Deteriorating

* DTRTS - Deteriorates

* DURG - During

* DURN - Duration

* DVLP - Develop

* DVLPD - Developed

* DVLPG - Developing

* DVLPMT - Development

* DVLPS - Develops

* DVRG - Diverge

* DVRGG - Diverging

* DVRGNC - Divergence

* DVRGS - Diverges

* DVV - Downward vertical velocity

* DWNDFTS - Downdrafts

* DWPNT - Dewpoint

* DWPNTS - Dewpoints

* DX - Duplex

* E

* E - East

* EBND - East bound

* EFCT - Effect

* ELNGT - Elongate

* ELNGTD - Elongated

* ELSW - Elsewhere

* EMBDD - Embedded

* EMERG - Emergency

* ENCTR - Encounter

* ENDG - Ending

* ENE - East-northeast

* ENELY - East-northeasterly

* ENERN - East-northeastern

* ENEWD - East-northeastward

* ENHNC - Enhance

* ENHNCD - Enhanced

* ENHNCG - Enhancing

* ENHNCS - Enhances

* ENHNCMNT - Enhancement

* ENTR - Entire

* ERN - Eastern

* ERY - Early

* ERYR - Earlier

* ESE - East-southeast

* ESELY - East-southeasterly

* ESERN - East-southeastern

* ESEWD - East-southeastward

* ESNTL - Essential

* ESTAB - Establish

* ESTS - Estimates

* ETA - Eta model

* ETC - Et cetera

* ETIM - Elapsed time

* EVE - Evening

* EWD - Eastward

* EXCLV - Exclusive

* EXCLVLY - Exclusively

* EXCP - Except

* EXPC - Expect

* EXPCD - Expected

* EXPCG - Expecting

* EXTD - Extend

* EXTDD - Extended

* EXTDG - Extending

* EXTDS - Extends

* EXTN - Extension

* EXTRAP - Extrapolate

* EXTRAPD - Extrapolated

* EXTRM - Extreme

* EXTRMLY - Extremely

* EXTSV - Extensive

* F

* F - Farenheit

* FA - Aviation area forecast

* FAH - Farenheit

* FAM - Familiar

* FCST - Forecast

* FCSTD - Forecasted

* FCSTG - Forecasting

* FCSTR - Forecaster

* FCSTS - Forecasts

* FIG - Figure

* FILG - Filling

* FIRAV - First available

* FL - Florida

* FLG - Falling

* FLRY - Flurry

* FLRYS - Flurries

* FLT - Flight

* FLW - Follow

* FLWG - Following

* FM - From

* FMT - Format

* FNCTN - Function

* FNT - Front

* FNTL - Frontal

* FNTS - Fronts

* FNTGNS - Frontogenesis

* FNTLYS - Frontolysis

* FORNN - Forenoon

* FPM - Feet per minute

* FQT - Frequent

* FQTLY - Frequently

* FRM - Form

* FRMG - Forming

* FRMN - Formation

* FROPA - Frontal passage

* FROSFC - Frontal surface

* FRST - Frost

* FRWF - Forecast wind factor

* FRZ - Freeze

* FRZN - Frozen

* FRZG - Freezing

* FT - Feet

* FT - Terminal forecast

* FTHR - Further

* FVRBL - Favorable

* FWD - Forward

* FYI - For your information

* G

* G - Gust

* GA - Georgia

* GEN - General

* GENLY - Generally

* GEO - Geographic

* GEOREF - Geographical reference

* GF - Ground fog

* GICG - Glaze icing

* GLFALSK - Gulf of Alaska

* GLFCAL - Gulf of California

* GLFMEX - Gulf of America

* GLFSTLAWR - Gulf of St. Lawrence

* GND - Ground

��GNDFG - Ground fog

* GRAD - Gradient

* GRDL - Gradual

* GRDLY - Gradually

* GRT - Great

* GRTLY - Greatly

* GRTR - Greater

* GRTST - Greatest

* GRTLKS - Great Lakes

* GSTS - Gusts

* GSTY - Gusty

* GV - Ground visibility

* H

* HAZ - Hazard

* HCVIS - High clouds visible

* HDFRZ - Hard freeze

* HDSVLY - Hudson Valley

* HDWND - Head wind

* HGT - Height

* HI - High

* HIER - Higher

* HIFOR - High level forecast

* HLF - Half

* HLTP - Hilltop

* HLSTO - Hailstones

* HLYR - Haze layer aloft

* HND - Hundred

* HR - Hour

* HRS - Hours

* HRZN - Horizon

* HTG - Heating

* HURCN - Hurricane

* HUREP - Hurricane report

* HV - Have

* HVY - Heavy

* HVYR - Heavier

* HVYST - Heaviest

* HWVR - However

* HWY - Highway

* I

* IA - Iowa

* IC - Ice

* ICG - Icing

* ICGIC - Icing in clouds

* ICGIP - Icing in precipitation

* ID - Idaho

* IL - Illinois

* IMDT - Immediate

* IMDTLY - Immediately

* IMPL - Impulse

* IMPLS - Impulses

* IMPT - Important

* INCL - Include

* INCLD - Included

* INCLG - Including

* INCLS - Includes

* INCR - Increase

* INCRD - Increased

* INCRG - Increasing

* INCRGLY - Increasingly

* INCRS - Increases

* INDC - Indicate

* INDCD - Indicated

* INDCG - Indicating

* INDCS - Indicates

* INDEF - Indefinite

* INFO - Information

* INLD - Inland

* INSTBY - Instability

* INTCNTL - Intercontinental

* INTL - International

* INTMD - Intermediate

* INTMT - Intermittent

* INTMTLY - Intermittently

* INTR - Interior

* INTRMTRGN - Intermountain region

* INTS - Intense

* INTSFCN - Intensification

* INTSFY - Intensify

* INTSFYD - Intensified

* INTSFYG - Intensifying

* INTSFYS - Intensifies

* INTSTY - Intensity

* INTVL - Interval

* INVRN - Inversion

* IOVC - In overcast

* INVOF - In vicinity of

* IP - Ice pellets

* IPV - Improve

* IPVG - Improving

* IR - Infrared

* ISOL - Isolate

* ISOLD - Isolated

* J

* JCTN - Junction

* JTSTR - Jet stream

* K

* KFRST - Killing frost

* KLYR - Smoke layer aloft

* KOCTY - Smoke over city

* KS - Kansas

* KT - Knots

* KY - Kentucky

* L

* LA - Louisiana

* LABRDR - Labrador

* LAT - Latitude

* LCL - Local

* LCLY - Locally

* LCTD - Located

* LCTN - Location

* LCTMP - Little change in temperature

* LEVEL - Level

* LFM - Limited Fine Mesh Model

* LFTG - Lifting

* LGRNG - Long range

* LGT - Light

* LGTR - Lighter

* LGWV - Long wave

* LI - Lifted Index

* LIS - Lifted indices

* LK - Lake

* LKS - Lakes

* LKLY - Likely

* LLJ - Low Level Jet

* LLWS - Low Level Wind Shear

* LLWAS - Low level wind shear alert system

* LMTD - Limited

* LMTG - Limiting

* LMTS - Limits

* LN - Line

* LN - Lines

* LO - Low

* LONG - Longitude

* LONGL - Longitudnal

* LRG - Large

* LRGLY - Largely

* LRGR - Larger

* LRGST - Largest

* LST - Local standard time

* LTD - Limited

* LTG - Lightning

* LTGCC - Lightning cloud-to-cloud

* LTGCG - Lightning cloud-to-ground

* LTGCCCG - Lightning cloud-to-cloud cloud-to-ground

* LTGCW - Lightning cloud-to-water

* LTGIC - Lightning in cloud

* LTL - Little

* LTLCG - Little change

* LTR - Later

* LTST - Latest

* LV - Leaving

* LVL - Level

* LVLS - Levels

* LWR - Lower

* LWRD - Lowered

* LWRG - Lowering

* LYR - Layer

* LYRD - Layered

* LYRS - Layers

* M

* MA - Massachusetts

* MAN - Manitoba

* MAX - Maximum

* MB - Millibars

* MCD - Mesoscale discussion

* MD - Maryland

* MDFY - Modify

* MDFYD - Modified

* MDFYG - Modifying

* MDL - Model

* MDLS - Models

* MDT - Moderate

* MDTLY - Moderately

* ME - Maine

* MED - Medium

* MEGG - Merging

* MESO - Mesoscale

* MET - Meteorological

* METRO - Metropolitan

* MEX - Mexico

* MHKVLY - Mohawk Valley

* MI - Michigan

* MID - Middle

* MIDN - Midnight

* MIL - Military

* MIN - Minimum

* MISG - Missing

* MLTLVL - Melting level

* MN - Minnesota

* MNLND - Mainland

* MNLY - Mainly

* MO - Missouri

* MOGR - Moderate or greater

* MOV - Move

* MOVD - Moved

* MOVG - Moving

* MOVMT - Movement

* MOVS - Moves

* MPH - Miles per hour

* MRGL - Marginal

* MRGLLY - Marginally

* MRNG - Morning

* MRTM - Maritime

* MS - Mississippi

* MSG - Message

* MSL - Mean sea level

* MST - Most

* MSTLY - Mostly

* MSTR - Moisture

* MT - Montana

* MTN - Mountain

* MTNS - Mountains

* MULT - Multiple

* MULTILVL - Multi-level

* MXD - Mixed

* N

* N - North

* NAB - Not above

* NAT - North Atlantic

* NATL - National

* NAV - Navigation

* NB - New Brunswick

* NBND - Northbound

* NBRHD - Neighborhood

* NC - North Carolina

* NCWX - No change in weather

* ND - North Dakota

* NE - Northeast

* NEB - Nebraska

* NEC - Necessary

* NEG - Negative

* NEGLY - Negatively

* NELY - Northeasterly

* NERN - Northeastern

* NEWD - Northeastward

* NEW ENG - New England

* NFLD - Newfoundland

* NGM - Nested Grid Model

* NGT - Night

* NH - New Hampshire

* NIL - None

* NJ - New Jersey

* NL - No layers

* NLT - Not later than

* NLY - Northerly

* NM - New Mexico

* NMBR - Number

* NMBRS - Numbers

* NMC - National Meteorological Center

* NML - Normal

* NMRS - Numerous

* NNE - North-northeast

* NNELY - North-northeasterly

* NNERN - North-northeastern

* NNEWD - North-northeastward

* NNW - North-northwest

* NNWLY - North-northwesterly

* NNWRN - North-northwestern

* NNWWD - North-northwestward

* NNNN - End of message

* NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

* NOPAC - Northern Pacific

* NPRS - Nonpersistent

* NR - Near

* NRLY - Nearly

* NRN - Northern

* NRW - Narrow

* NS - Nova Scotia

* NTFY - Notify

* NTFYD - Notified

* NV - Nevada

* NVA - Negative vorticity advection

* NW - Northwest

* NWD - Northward

* NWLY - Northwesterly

* NWRN - Northwestern

* NWS - National Weather Service

* NY - New York

* NXT - Next

* O

* OAT - Outside Air Temperature OBND - Outbound

* OBS - Observation

* OBSC - Obscure

* OBSCD - Obscured

* OBSCG - Obscuring

* OCFNT - Occluded front

* OCLD - Occlude

* OCLDS - Occludes

* OCLDD - Occluded

* OCLDG - Occluding

* OCLN - Occlusion

* OCNL - Occasional

* OCNLY - Occasionally

* OCR - Occur

* OCRD - Occurred

* OCRG - Occurring

* OCRS - Occurs

* OFC - Office

* OFP - Occluded frontal passage

* OFSHR - Offshore

* OH - Ohio

* OK - Oklahoma

* OMTNS - Over mountains

* ONSHR - On shore

* OR - Oregon

* ORGPHC - Orographic

* ORIG - Original

* OSV - Ocean station vessel

* OTLK - Outlook

* OTP - On top

* OTR - Other

* OTRW - Otherwise

* OUTFLO - Outflow

* OVC - Overcast

* OVNGT - Overnight

* OVR - Over

* OVRN - Overrun

* OVRNG - Overrunning

* OVTK - Overtake

* OVTKG - Overtaking

* OVTKS - Overtakes

* P

* PA - Pennsylvania

* PAC - Pacific

* PBL - Planetary boundary layer

* PCPN - Precipitation

* PD - Period

* PDS - Periods

* PDMT - Predominant

* PEN - Peninsula

* PERM - Permanent

* PGTSND - Puget Sound

* PHYS - Physical

* PIBAL - Pilot balloon observation

* PIBALS - Pilot balloon reports

* PIREP - Pilot weather report

* PIREPS - Pilot weather reports

* PLNS - Plains

* PLS - Please

* PLTO - Plateau

* PM - Post meridian

* PNHDL - Panhandle

* POS - Positive

* POSLY - Positively

* PPINE - PPI no echoes

* PPSN - Present position

* PRBL - Probable

* PRBLY - Probably

* PRBLTY - Probability

* PRECD - Precede

* PRECDD - Preceded

* PRECDG - Preceding

* PRECDS - Precedes

* PRES - Pressure

* PRESFR - Pressure falling rapidly

* PRESRR - Pressure rising rapidly

* PRIM - Primary

* PRIN - Principal

* PRIND - Present indications are

* PRJMP - Pressure jump

* PROC - Procedure

* PROD - Produce

* PRODG - Producing

* PROG - Forecast

* PROGD - Forecasted

* PROGS - Forecasts

* PRSNT - Present

* PRSNTLY - Presently

* PRST - Persist

* PRSTS - Persists

* PRSTNC - Persistence

* PRSTNT - Persistent

* PRVD - Provide

* PRVDD - Provided

* PRVDG - Providing

* PRVDS - Provides

* PS - Plus

* PSBL - Possible

* PSBLY - Possibly

* PSBLTY - Possiblity

* PSG - Passage

* PSN - Position

* PSND - Positioned

* PTCHY - Patchy

* PTLY - Partly

* PTNL - Potential

* PTNLY - Potentially

* PTNS - Portions

* PUGET - Puget Sound

* PVA - Positive vorticity advection

* PVL - Prevail

* PVLD - Prevailed

* PVLG - Prevailing

* PVLS - Prevails

* PVLT - Prevalent

* PWR - Power

* Q

* QN - Question

* QPFERD - NMC excessive rainfall discussion

* QPFHSD - NMC heavy snow discussion

* QPFSPD - NMC special precipitation discussion

* QSTNRY - Quasistationary

* QUAD - Quadrant

* QUE - Quebec

* R

* R - Rain

* RADAT - Radiosonde observation data

* RAOB - Radiosonde observation

* RAOBS - Radiosonde observations

* RCH - Reach

* RCHD - Reached

* RCHG - Reaching

* RCHS - Reaches

* RCKY - Rocky

* RCKYS - Rockies

* RCMD - Recommend

* RCMDD - Recommended

* RCMDG - Recommending

* RCMDS - Recommends

* RCRD - Record

* RCRDS - Records

* RCV - Receive

* RCVD - Received

* RCVG - Receiving

* RCVS - Receives

* RDC - Reduce

* RDGG - Ridging

* RDR - Radar

* RDVLP - Redevelop

* RDVLPG - Redeveloping

* RDVLPMT - Redevelopment

* RE - Regard

* RECON - Reconnaissance

* REF - Reference

* RES - Reserve

* RGL - Regional Model

* RGT - Right

* RHINO - RHI not operative

* RI - Rhode Island

* RLBL - Reliable

* REPL - Replace

* REPLD - Replaced

* REPLG - Replacing

* REPLS - Replaces

* REQ - Request

* REQS - Requests

* REQSTD - Requested

* RESP - Response

* RESTR - Restrict

* RGD - Ragged

* RGLR - Regular

* RGN - Region

* RGNS - Regions

* RH - Relative Humidity

* RIOGD - Rio Grande

* RLTV - Relative

* RLTVLY - Relativily

* RMN - Remain

* RMND - Remained

* RMNDR - Remainder

* RMNG - Remaining

* RMNS - Remains

* RNFL - Rainfall

* ROT - Rotate

* ROTD - Rotated

* ROTG - Rotating

* ROTS - Rotates

* RPD - Rapid

* RPDLY - Rapidly

* RPLC - Replace

* RPLCD - Replaced

* RPLCG - Replacing

* RPLCS - Replaces

* RPRT - Report

* RPRTD - Reported

* RPRTG - Reporting

* RPRTS - Reports

* RPT - Repeat

* RPTG - Repeating

* RPTS - Repeats

* RQR - Require

* RQRD - Required

* RQRG - Requiring

* RQRS - Requires

* RS - Receiver station

* RSG - Rising

* RSN - Reason

* RSNG - Reasoning

* RSNS - Reasons

* RSTR - Restrict

* RSTRD - Restricted

* RSTRG - Restricting

* RSTRS - Restricts

* RTRN - Return

* RTRND - Returned

* RTRNG - Returning

* RTRNS - Returns

* RUF - Rough

* RUFLY - Roughly

* RVS - Revise

* RVSD - Revised

* RVSG - Revising

* RVSS - Revises

* RW - Rain shower

* S

* S - South

* SA - Surface observation

* SAO - Surface observation

* SAOS - Surface observations

* SASK - Saskatchewan

* SATFY - Satisfactory

* SBND - South bound

* SBSD - Subside

* SBSDD - Subsided

* SBSDNC - Subsidence

* SBSDS - Subsides

* SC - South Carolina

* SCND - Second

* SCNDRY - Secondary

* SCSL - Standing lenticular stratocumulus

* SCT - Scatter

* SCTD - Scattered

* SCTR - Sector

* SD - South Dakota

* SE - Southeast

* SEC - Second

* SELS - Severe Local Storms Unit

* SELY - Southeasterly

* SEPN - Separation

* SEQ - Sequence

* SERN - Southeastern

* SEWD -Southeastward

* SFC - Surface

* SFERICS - Atmospherics

* SG - Snow grains

* SGFNT - Significant

* SGFNTLY - Significantly

* SHFT - Shift

* SHFTD - Shifted

* SHFTG - Shifting

* SHFTS - Shifts

* SHLD - Shield

* SHLW - Shallow

* SHRT - Short

* SHRTLY - Shortly

* SHRTWV - Shortwave

* SHRTWVS - Shortwaves

* SHUD - Should

* SHWR - Shower

* SHWRS - Showers

* SIERNEV - Sierra Nevada

* SIG - Signature

* SIGMET - Significant meteorological information

* SIMUL - Simultaneous

* SKC - Sky clear

* SKED - Schedule

* SLD - Solid

* SLGT - Slight

* SLGTLY - Slightly

* SLO - Slow

* SLOLY - Slowly

* SLOR - Slower

* SLP - Slope

* SLPG - Sloping

* SLT - Sleet

* SLY - Southerly

* SM - Statute mile

* SMK - Smoke

* SML - Small

* SMLR - Smaller

* SMRY - Summary

* SMS - Synchronus meteorological satellite

* SMTH - Smooth

* SMTHR - Smoother

* SMTHST - Smoothest

* SMTM - Sometime

* SMWHT - Somewhat

* SNBNK - Snow bank

* SND - Sand

* SNFLK - Snow flake

* SNGL - Single

* SNOINCR - Snow increase

* SNOINCRG - Snow increasing

* SNST - Sunset

* SNW - Snow

* SNWFL - Snowfall

* SOP - Standard operating procedure

* SP - Snow pellets

* SPCLY - Especially

* SPD - Speed

* SPDS - Speeds

* SPENES - Satellite precipitation estimate statement

* SPKL - Sprinkle

* SPKLS - Sprinkles

* SPLNS - Southern Plains

* SPRD - Spread

* SPRDG - Spreading

* SPRDS - Spreads

* SPRL - Spiral

* SQAL - Squall

* SQLN - Squall line

* SR - Sunrise

* SRN - Southern

* SRND - Surround

* SRNDD - Surrounded

* SRNDG - Surrounding

* SRNDS - Surrounds

* SS - Sunset

* SSE - South-southeast

* SSELY - South-southeasterly

* SSERN - South-southeastern

* SSEWD - South-southeastward

* SSW - South-southwest

* SSWLY - South-southwesterly

* SSWRN - South-southwestern

* SSWWD - South-southwestward

* ST - Stratus

* STAGN - Stagnation

* STBL - Stable

* STBLTY - Stability

* STD - Standard

* STDY - Steady

* STFR - Stratus fractus

* STFRM - Stratiform

* STG - Strong

* STGLY - Strongly

* STGR - Stronger

* STGST - Strongest

* STLT - Satellite

* STM - Storm

* STMS - Storms

* STN - Station

* STNS - Stations

* STNRY - Stationary

* SUB - Substitute

* SUBTRPCL - Subtropical

* SUF - Sufficient

* SUFLY - Sufficiently

* SUG - Suggest

* SUGG - Suggesting

* SUGS - Suggests

* SUP - Supply

* SUPG - Supplying

* SUPR - Superior

* SUPS - Supplies

* SUPSD - Supersede

* SUPSDG - Superseding

* SUPSDS - Supersedes

* SVG - Serving

* SVR - Severe

* SVRL - Several

* SW - Southwest

* SWD - Southward

* SWWD - Southwestward

* SW- - Light snow shower

* SW+ - Heavy snow shower

* SWLG - Swelling

* SWLY - Southwesterly

* SWOMCD - SELS Mesoscale Discussion

* SWRN - Southwestern

* SX - Stability index

* SXN - Section

* SXNS - Sections

* SYNOP - Synoptic

* SYNS - Synopsis

* SYS - System

* T

* T - Thunder

* TCNTL - Transcontinental

* TCU - Towering cumulus

* TDA - Today

* TEMP - Temperature

* THD - Thunderhead

* THDR - Thunder

* THK - Thick

* THKNG - Thickening

* THKNS - Thickness

* THKR - Thicker

* THKST - Thickest

* THN - Thin

* THNG - Thinning

* THNR - Thinner

* THNST - Thinnest

* THR - Threshold

* THRFTR - Thereafter

* THRU - Through

* THRUT - Throughout

* THSD - Thousand

* THTN - Threaten

* THTND - Threatened

* THTNG - Threatening

* THTNS - Threatens

* TIL - Until

* TMPRY - Temporary

* TMPRYLY - Temporarilly

* TMW - Tomorrow

* TN - Tennessee

* TNDCY - Tendency

* TNDCYS - Tendencies

* TNGT - Tonight

* TNTV - Tentative

* TNTVLY - Tentatively

* TOPS - Tops

* TOVC - Top of overcast

* TPG - Topping

* TRBL - Trouble

* TRIB - Tributary

* TRKG - Tracking

* TRML -Terminal

* TRMT - Terminate

* TRMTD - Terminated

* TRMTG - Terminating

* TRMTS - Terminates

* TRNSP - Transport

* TRNSPG - Transporting

* TROF - Trough

* TROFS - Troughs

* TROP - Tropopause

* TRPCD - Tropical continental

* TRPCL - Tropical

* TRRN - Terrain

* TRSN - Transition

* TRW - Thunderstorm

* TRW+ - Thunderstorm with heavy rain shower

* TSFR - Transfer

* TSFRD - Transfered

* TSFRG - Transfering

* TSFRS - Transfers

* TSHWR - Thundershower

* TSHWRS - Thundershowers

* TSNT - Transient

* TSQLS - Thundersqualls

* TSTM - Thunderstorm

* TSTMS - Thunderstorms

* TS - Thunderstorm with snow

* TS+ - Thunderstorm with heavy snow

* TSW - Thunderstorm with snow showers

* TSW+ - Thunderstorm with heavy snow showers

* TURBC - Turbulence

* TURBT - Turbulent

* TWD - Toward

* TWDS - Towards

* TWI - Twilight

* TWRG - Towering

* TX - Texas

* U

* UDDF - Up and down drafts

* UN - Unable

* UNAVBL - Unavailable

* UNEC - Unnecessary

* UNKN - Unknown

* UNL - Unlimited

* UNRELBL - Unreliable

* UNRSTD - Unrestricted

* UNSATFY - Unsatisfactory

* UNSBL - Unseasonable

* UNSTBL - Unstable

* UNSTDY - Unsteady

* UNSTL - Unsettle

* UNSTLD - Unsettled

* UNUSBL - Unusable

* UPDFTS - Updrafts

* UPR - Upper

* UPSLP - Upslope

* UPSTRM - Upstream

* URG - Urgent

* USBL - Usable

* UT - Utah

* UVV - Upward vertical velocity

* UVVS - Upward vertical velocities

* UWNDS - Upper winds

* V

* VA - Virginia

* VARN - Variation

* VCNTY - Vicinity

* VCOT - VFR conditions on top

* VCTR - Vector

* VDUC - VAS Data Utilization Center (NSSFC)

* VFY - Verify

* VFYD - Verified

* VFYG - Verifying

��VFYS - Verifies

* VLCTY - Velocity

* VLCTYS - Velocities

* VLNT - Violent

* VLNTLY - Violently

* VLY - Valley

* VLYS - Valleys

* VMC - Visual meteorological conditions

* VOL - Volume

* VORT - Vorticity

* VR - Veer

* VRG - Veering

* VRBL - Variable

* VRISL - Vancouver Island, BC

* VRS - Veers

* VRT MOTN - Vertical Motion

* VRY - Very

* VSB - Visible

* VSBY - Visibility

* VSBYDR - Visibility decreasing rapidly

* VSBYIR - Visibility increasing rapidly

* VT - Vermont

* VV - Vertical velocity

* W

* W - West

* WA - Washington

* WAA - Warm Air Advection

* WBND - West bound

* WDLY - Widely

* WDSPRD - Widespread

* WEA - Weather

* WFO - Weather Forecast Office

* WFOS - Weather Forecast Offices

* WFP - Warm front passage

* WI - Wisconsin

* WIBIS - Will be issued

* WINT - Winter

* WK - Weak

* WKDAY - Weekday

* WKEND - Weekend

* WKNG - Weakening

* WKNS - Weakens

* WKR - Weaker

* WKST - Weakest

* WKN - Weaken

* WL - Will

* WLY - Westerly

* WND - Wind

* WNDS - Winds

* WNW - West-northwest

* WNWLY - West-northwesterly

* WNWRN - West-northwestern

* WNWWD - West-northwestward

* WO - Without

* WPLTO - Western Plateau

* WRM - Warm

* WRMG - Warming

* WRN - Western

* WRMR - Warmer

* WRMST - Warmest

* WRMFNT - Warm front

* WRMFNTL - Warm Frontal

* WRNG - Warning

* WRNGS - Warnings

* WRS - Worse

* WSHFT - Wind shift

* WSHFTS - Wind Shifts

* WSFO - Weather Service Forecast Office

* WSFOS - Weather Service Forecast Offices

* WSO - Weather Service Office

* WSOS - Weather Service Offices

* WSTCH - Wasatch Range

* WSW - West-southwest

* WSWLY - West-southwesterly

* WSWRN - West-southwestern

* WSWWD - West-southwestward

* WTR - Water

* WTRS - Waters

* WTSPT - Waterspout

* WTSPTS - Waterspouts

* WUD - Would

* WV - West Virginia

* WVS - Waves

* WW - Severe Weather Watch

* WWAMKC - Status Report

* WWD - Westward

* WWS - Severe Weather Watches

* WX - Weather

* WY - Wyoming

* X

* XCP - Except

* XPC - Expect

* XPCD - Expected

* XPCG - Expecting

* XPCS - Expects

* XPLOS - Explosive

* XTND - Extend

* XTNDD - Extended

* XTNDG - Extending

* XTRM - Extreme

* XTRMLY - Extremely

* Y

* YDA - Yesterday

* YKN - Yukon

* YLSTN - Yellowstone

* Z

* ZL - Freezing drizzle

* ZN - Zone

* ZNS - Zones

* ZR - Freezing rain