National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Overview and Graphics

May 2017 was generally near normal for both temperatures and precipitation across a large portion of our region. However, rainfall amounts were above normal across a good chunk of southeast Missouri into portions of southern Illinois, where rainfall totals ranged from 6 to 10 inches, with some isolated higher totals. This was around 2 to 5+ inches above normal. Temperatures were right near to slightly above normal. May marked the 12th consecutive month that temperatures were above normal in Paducah, KY and Evansville, IN. Due to excessive rainfall experienced at the end of April, major to record river flooding was ongoing on many area rivers at the beginning of the month. It took some time for river levels to fall on many of the rivers, with minor flooding still occurring at a few locations along the Mississippi and Ohio Rivers at the end of the month. The most notable severe weather outbreak occurred on May 27th, with hail up to baseball sized and winds of 70-80 mph in several locations.





May 2017 Review: Precipitation and Temperature Maps
Climate Maps are from the Northeast Regional Climate Center


Monthly Summary
Listings of normals and records for Paducah, Evansville, and Cape Girardeau


Monthly Climate Report: Paducah  |  Evansville  |  Cape Girardeau


Listing of records for Paducah, Evansville, and Cape Girardaeu


Record Event Reports: Paducah Evansville Cape Girardeau
