Norman, OK
Weather Forecast Office
Storm Data | Tornado Data | Climate Data | Significant Weather Events | Daily Weather History |
Looking for historical weather information? You can click on the icons above or the links in the paragraphs below to link to specific weather information.
Do you want to know to see if you received hail or strong winds on a particular day? The Storm Data page has storm reports available for central/western Oklahoma and western north Texas since 1992.
Need tornado statistics? How about a listing of all the tornadoes that have occurred in Oklahoma? Tornadoes by county, by year or by F-Scale/EF-Scale as well as other information on tornadoes can be through the Tornado Data page!
Want to know what the record low temperature is for a particular day for Oklahoma City? Need to know what the actual high temperature was or if it rained a few days ago? The Climate Data page has daily or monthly climatological data for many locations!
Do you remember the Winter Storms of 2011? How about the Red River tornado outbreak of 1979? You can go access our Significant Weather Events page to read up on these events and more.
Want an interesting Oklahoma weather fact for every day of the year? Use our Daily Weather History page to view historical weather information for a day, month or the entire year!
Current Hazards
Local Storm Reports
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Non Precipitation Warnings
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Winter Weather Warnings
Tornado Warnings
Flood Warnings
Special Weather Statements
Flash Flood Warnings
Climate and Past Weather
Daily Weather History
Significant Weather Events
Local Climate Data
Tornado Database
Averages and Records
Storm Data
US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Norman, OK
National Weather Center
120 David L. Boren Blvd. Suite 2400
Norman, OK 73072
(405) 325-3816
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